
spikes是什么意思 spikes的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-08-12 16:31:26作者:土豪!!!

1. 词性:spikes可以作动词、名词、形容词和副词等多种词性,根据具体语境可以灵活运用。


spikes是什么意思 spikes的中文翻译、读音、例句

- As he continued to run, his heart rate spiked suddenly. (动词)

- Her hair was styled in a punk look with spikes all over. (名词)

- The spike protein on the suce of the virus helps it to attach to human cells. (形容词)

- The price of gasoline has spiked in recent weeks. (副词)

2. 意义:spikes可以指尖端、尖峰、突然上升或快速增长等,含义多样。


- The football player wore cleats with metal spikes on the bottom. (指尖端)

- The mountain had a spike at its peak, it a distinctive landmark. (尖峰)

- Sales of electric cars have spiked in the last year as more people seek eco-friendly options. (突然上升)

- The number of Covid-19 cases spiked after the holiday season due to increased travel and gatherings. (快速增长)

3. 专业术语:spikes在某些领域具有特定的含义,例如生物学、物理学和财经等。


- In neuroscience, spikes refer to the brief electrical impulses that neurons use to communicate with each other.

- In physics, spikes can refer to sharp, short bursts of energy or radiation.

- In finance, spikes can refer to sudden and significant changes in the price of a commodity or security.

4. 缩写词:spikes还可以作为缩写词出现,例如SPIKE(Society for the Promotion of Indian Clical Music and Culture Among Youth),S.P.I.K.E.S(Setting, Perception, Invitation, Knowledge, Empathy, and Summarization),SPAC(Special Purpose Acquisition Company)等。


- The SPIKE festival brings together young musicians from around the world to promote Indian clical music.

- S.P.I.K.E.S is an acronym used in healthcare to guide communication with patients and their families during difficult conversations.

- The rise of SPACs has become a hot topic in the world of investing.


1. The hedgehog's spikes helped protect it from predators, as they couldn't easily grab onto it.(刺猬的刺毛能够保护它免受捕食者的侵袭,因为它们无法轻易地抓住它。)

2. The stock market experienced a sharp spike in prices after the announcement of a new vaccine.(新疫苗宣布后,股市经历了价格的大幅度上涨。)

3. The athlete's heart rate spiked to over 180 beats per minute during the final stretch of the race.(运动员在比赛的最后阶段心率达到每分钟180次以上。)

4. The physics experiment detected a spike in radiation levels, indicating a potential new discovery.(这个物理实验检测到辐射水平的突然上升,可能意味着一项新的发现。)

5. The company's share price soared after it announced plans to merge with a larger compe through a SPAC deal.(这家公司宣布通过SPAC交易计划与一家更大的竞争对手合并后,股价飙升。)




1. The athlete wore ss with spikes to improve his grip on the track.(这位运动员穿着有钉子的鞋子,以提高在跑道上的抓地力。)

2. The graph shows a series of spikes in sales during the holiday season.(图表显示节假日销售出现了一系列的高峰。)

3. Be careful not to step on the spikes of the cactus.(小心别踩到仙人掌上的刺。)




例句:Bract keeled; bracteoles distinct; inflorescences of spikes, flowers sunken into rachis. (苞片龙骨状;小苞片清楚;穗状花序的花序,花凹陷的成为轴。)


例句:The spikes on the back of the Stygimoloch are actually resorbing, which means they're getting smaller as that dome is getting bigger. (却是在退化的 也就是说它在颅顶变大的同时 尖刺会越来越小 )


spikes一般作为名词使用,如在golden spikes([网络] 金钉子)、liberty spikes(n. 钉子头)、marlin spikes([网络] 马林尖峰)等常见短语中出现较多。

golden spikes[网络] 金钉子
liberty spikesn. 钉子头
marlin spikes[网络] 马林尖峰
marline spikes穿索针;解缆钻
marling spikes[网络] 结婚钉
Power spikes[网络] 超级排球;强波问题
sea spikes(偶发之)海洋尖钉杂波
spikes bristle钉突样改变
spikes projecting钉突样改变


1. In the list of banned styles are included ponytails, mullets and elaborate spikes. (翻译:受到禁止的发型包括马尾辫,长发,浪头。)

2. Now you are, but soon these spikes will be your best friends. (翻译:刚开始都一样, 但很快它们就会变成你的好朋友了)

3. Scheduled spikes, reading group meetings, and visiting luminaries are posted on the door. (翻译:读书小组会议、拜访名家等通知都帖在门上。)

4. In this rendering of the flu virus, these different colored spikes are what it uses to infect you. (翻译:在这个流感病毒示意图中, 那些不同颜色尖状物就是病毒用来感染你的身体的。)

5. It's where they used to behead people and put their heads on spikes. (翻译:这是他们 用于斩首的人 并把他们的头 在尖峰。)

6. Baseload power is delivered at a steady rate around the clock, while diesel is more suited to meeting spikes in demand. (翻译:基载电力需要全天候地稳定传输,而柴油机发电更能顺应急剧上升的供应需求。)

7. They need to have a lot of grip, so they either have spikes or very defined grooves. (翻译:他们需要许多支撑点 例如钉鞋或者其他轴承物)

8. A crowning spire was a key feature of the design from the beginning, including a topmast and a ring of spikes. (翻译:从一开始,最高的尖顶就是设计的关键特点,其中还包括了一座中桅和一圈小尖顶。)

9. emily's team-- digs and returns. julie's team-- sets and spikes. (翻译:艾米丽这边负责垫球和传球 茱丽叶的负责托球和扣球)

10. The spikes on the back of the Stygimoloch are actually resorbing, which means they're getting smaller as that dome is getting bigger. (翻译:而冥河龙脑后的刺 却是在退化的 也就是说它在颅顶变大的同时 尖刺会越来越小)

11. Known as the "Iron Hammer" for her powerful spikes , Lang has appeared on her own postage stamp. (翻译:郎因其扣球凶猛被誉为“铁榔头”,她还曾出现在邮票中。)

12. Baseload power is delivered at a steady rate around the clock, while diesel is more suited to meeting spikes in demand. (翻译:基载电力需要全天候地稳定传输,而柴油机发电更能顺应急剧上升的供应需求。)

13. The rice is blossoming, the golden spikes are shining, and the scarecrows are all smiling. (翻译:稻子渐渐开花了,稻穗像黄金般亮丽,稻草人脸上挂满了微笑。)

14. In fact, I don't think it's even traded above six, except for a couple of little spikes. (翻译:实际上,我印象中它的交易价格从来没有超过 6美元, 除了几次小的震荡之外。)

15. I think they would look marvellous decorating spikes in King's Landing. (翻译:用它们来装饰君临城头的长矛会别有一番风味)



