
忌贤妒能用英语怎么说 忌贤妒能英语翻译

更新时间:2023-08-10 14:22:16作者:不羁

忌贤妒能英语是"double bogey",其次还可以说成"Habhadra",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到95个与忌贤妒能相关译文和例句。

1. A good day for travel but bad for bual

2. it's Wong, go get d of him.

忌贤妒能用英语怎么说 忌贤妒能英语翻译

3. Now, if you dominate the people with violence, they will ntually fight back becse they have nothing to lose.

译文:瞷狦ノ忌北 ﹚穦忌忌竲ぃ绫。

4. Violence doesn't discminate.

5. The scrupulous ones. Yes, that's the word.

6. Sen, that hts What's up, man

7. Cha Do Hyun! Cha Do Hyun! Cha Do Hyun!

8. Ha ha! Ok, that one was really close.

9. Jealousy can make us do crazy things.

10. Selection is based solely on met.

11. Where's Suh-hyun? Where is she?

12. We are inherently a violent species.

13. Smart ass. You see this ?

