
tune是什么意思 tune的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-08-10 10:04:17作者:书蓝

1. 词汇意义:


tune是什么意思 tune的中文翻译、读音、例句


- This tune is stuck in my head - I've been humming it all day.(这首曲子卡在我脑海里 - 我一整天都在哼它。)

- Could you help me tune my guitar?(你能帮我调好吉他吗?)

- I don't like the tune of this song - it's too repetitive.(我不喜欢这首歌的曲调 - 太重复了。)

- Every year, the band plays the same tune for the school parade.(每年,乐队都会为校园演奏同一首曲子。)

- He has a great ear for tuning pianos - he can hear even the tiniest discrepancies.(他对于调音钢琴非常敏感 - 他能听出最微小的差异。)

2. 音乐术语:



- That tune is very catchy - it's been stuck in my head all week!(那首曲子非常容易上口 - 我这个星期一直在哼它!)

- The DJ played a great tune - everyone was dancing all night.(DJ放了一首很棒的曲子 - 每个人都跳了一整晚。)

- She played a beautiful tune on the piano - it was very moving.(她在钢琴上演奏了一首美丽的曲子 - 很感人。)

- The guitar was out of tune, so he spent the entire concert trying to fix it.(吉他音调不对,所以整个音乐会他都在尝试调音。)

- The band is known for their catchy tunes and lively performances.(这个乐队以其容易上口的曲子和活力四射的表演而闻名。)

3. 英语俚语:

“Tune”这个词也可以指某个人或事物的状态或情况是否合适或舒适。例如,一个人可以形容心情愉悦为“in tune”,或者一个汽车被形容为“out of tune”乃至“off tune”,表示车辆状况差。


- I'm feeling really in tune with myself lately - I've been taking better care of my mental health.(我最近内心十分舒适 - 我已经开始更好地照顾我的心理健康。)

- The food and wine were perfectly in tune with each other - it was a great meal.(食物和酒很好地融合在一起 - 那是一顿很棒的饭。)

- My car is out of tune again - I need to take it in for repairs.(我的车又有问题了,需要去修理一下。)

- Her dance moves were off tune - she seemed out of sync with the music.(她的舞蹈动作不灵活 - 似乎跟音乐配不上。)

- He's been feeling a bit off tune lately - I think he's going through a rough patch.(他最近有些心情不好 - 我想他正在度过一个艰难时期。)

4. 缩写词:

“TUN”是许多不同用途的缩写。在电视和电影行业中,“TUN”表示“Television Uptake Number”,指的是节目或电影的收视率。此外,“TUN”还可以代表“Tasmanian United Network”,“Tunisian Dinar”,和“Transformer Utilization Number”。


- The TUN for last night's show was the highest of the season.(昨晚节目的TUN是本季最高的。)

- I need to exchange my money for Tunisian dinar before my trip next week.(我需要在下周的旅行之前将我的钱换成突尼斯第纳尔。)

- Our company is working on improving our transformer utilization number to reduce energy waste.(我们公司正在努力提高我们的变压器利用率,以减少能源浪费。)

- TUN is one of Tasmania's main television networks.(TUN是塔斯马尼亚的主要电视网络之一。)



1. She was humming a catchy tune. 她在哼唱一首动听的曲子。

2. His singing was out of tune. 他唱歌走音了。

3. I need to find the right tune for this song. 我需要找到这首歌的正确曲调。

4. The radio is playing my favorite tune. 收音机播放着我最喜欢的曲子。

5. He can play any tune on the piano. 他能在钢琴上演奏任何曲子。

6. The tune of the music made me feel melancholy. 这首音乐的调调让我感到忧伤。

7. She whistled a simple tune as she worked. 她在工作时吹着简单的曲调。

8. They all sang along to the familiar tune. 他们都跟着熟悉的曲子唱起来。

9. The guitar player adjusted the tuning of his instrument before starting the tune. 吉他手在开始演奏曲子前调整了他的乐器。




1. Make sure to tune your guitar before playing.


2. We need to tune our strategy to meet the changing market demands.


3. I love the tune of this song, it's so catchy.





例句:We could probably hear it, if we tune in." (如果我们调对频率,我们也许可以听到它 “)


例句:Now, lesson number one begins. (I like a Gershwin tune How about you)


例句:In fairness, the ADL later changed its tune. (公平地讲,反诽谤联盟后来改变了态度。)


例句:Yeah, that happy tune is your step (翻译:# Yeah, that happy tune is your step #)


tune一般作为名词、动词使用,如在in tune(合调子)、in tune with(和…合调)、to tune in(调谐)等常见短语中出现较多。

in tune合调子
in tune with和…合调
to tune in调谐
tune in收听
tune into和…协调
tune on对…敏感;对…有共鸣
tune to调到…; (使)适合
dog tune[俚语]蹩脚曲子
falling tune降(语)调


1. In fairness, the ADL later changed its tune. (翻译:公平地讲,反诽谤联盟后来改变了态度。)

2. Yeah, that happy tune is your step (翻译:# Yeah, that happy tune is your step #)

3. Chloe just happened to be the one to tune into it. (翻译:Chloe则正好和她的频率对上了 Chloe just happened to be the one to tune into it.)

4. A funny tune, but it yielded good things. (翻译:这是一首奇怪的小品 不过有一些不错的结果)

5. ♪ A bright little tune I will sing from the start ♪ (翻译:欢快的小曲我将从头唱 A bright little tune I will sing from the start)

6. None of them could sing in tune. (翻译:他们中没有一个人能唱得合调。)

7. Moby certainly has a fine ear for a tune. (翻译:莫比对音调的分辨能力一定很强。)

8. Using /etc/default to tune NCA parameters (翻译:使用 /etc/default 调整 NCA 参数 )

9. He played a tune on his harmonica. (翻译:他用口琴吹奏了一支曲子。)

10. What's that tune you're humming? (翻译:你哼的是什么曲子? )

11. Give me another one. ANDRE: (翻译:or do you just sing out of tune?)

12. Come on, everybody and whistle this tune right now (翻译:快 大家现在吹这旋律口哨 Come on, everybody and whistle this tune right now)

13. If our senses and consciousness were entirely in tune with nature, (翻译:如果我们的感觉和意识 完全地以自然在歌曲中,)

14. Let's give a big round of applause for my fabulous guest, (翻译:tune in next week for my latest outfit.)

15. A tune is first digitised, so that it can be processed. (翻译:一个乐曲先是被数字化,这样就可以对它进行处理了。)



