
oioi是什么意思 oioi的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-08-10 09:10:16作者:心易冷

oioi是什么意思 oioi的中文翻译、读音、例句

'oioi' 不是一个标准的英语单词,它通常用作一种招呼语和表示惊讶或兴奋的感叹词,在口语和网络用语中较为常见。以下是对'oioi'的介绍和相关示例:

词义:'oioi' 是一种口头表达,通常用来表示对某人或某事的注意、问候或惊讶等情感。

词性:'oioi' 可以是一个感叹词或口头招呼语,通常不作为名词、动词或形容词使用。

词组搭配:'oioi' 没有特定的搭配,但它通常用来表示惊讶、惊喜或问候等情感。一些常见的用法包括:

- 'Oioi, long time no see!' (噢,嘿!好久不见了!)

- 'Oioi, that's amazing!' (哇!太神奇了!)

- 'Oioi, what's going on here?' (哎呀,这里发生了什么事?)

短语:'oioi' 也没有特定的短语。例如:

- 'Oioi! Look at that!' (哇!看那边!)

- 'Oioi! What do you mean?' (嘿!你是什么意思?)

发音拼写:'oioi' 的发音可以描述为两个音节,第一个'o'发长音,第二个'o'发短音。拼写通常为“oioi”或“oi oi”。


1. Oioi, what a surprise to see you here!


2. Oioi, that's so cool! How did you do that?


3. Oioi, mate, long time no see!


4. Oioi, watch out for the traffic!


5. Oioi, I can't believe it's already midnight!


6. Oioi, she's really talented at singing!


7. Oioi, I think we need to talk about this.


'oioi'是英语中的一个交际词,中文翻译为“嘿嘿”、“嗨嗨”等。读音为/ /。


1. Oioi, 你看那边有个新的咖啡馆,我们去试试吧!

2. Oioi,这个礼拜末你有空吗?我想邀请你去参加我的生日派对。

3. Oioi,你今天穿的这件衣服好看啊!

4. 他听到我说“oioi”之后,就知道我在跟他打招呼了。




例句:When Earle went boi-oi-oing, the doctors discovered he was on haloperidol. (当时厄尔晕过去: 医生发现 他使用了强力安定药氟? 啶醇)


例句:Diesel oi1 is the most useful fuel on the loc. (柴油是井场上最有用的燃料。打井机厂家。)


例句:Oi, I don't pay you to flap about, go and get us a couple of beers. (噢,我不是请你来说废话的, 去给我拿瓶酒来)


1. Oi, I don't pay you to flap about, go and get us a couple of beers. (翻译:噢,我不是请你来说废话的, 去给我拿瓶酒来)

2. Oi, where's that woman? Wherever you're going, I'm coming with you. (翻译:喂,那个女人哪儿去了? 不管你们去哪里 我跟你们一起走)

3. On the 14th day of the 7th lunar month a woman in red jumped to her death at Yau Oi Estate. (翻译:今个月农历xx月xx日 有一个女子穿着红衫在友爱村)

4. I go, "Oi! " you know, to get out of the chair! It would take me 10 to 12 pain relievers a day, just to get through the day. (翻译:我会说:“哦!”你知道,从椅子上站起来!我一天需要10-12片止疼片,只是为了熬过一天。)

5. Oi, baldy, tell the old girl to put her foot down or we'll be here all day! (翻译:爱,秃子,告诉老 女孩把她的脚了 否则我们将在这里一整天!)

6. Don't worry, Dad. As long as I got OI' Blue... (翻译:别担心,爸爸,只要我还有这身行头在...)

7. When they discovered he couldn't hear or speak, they cast him out. (翻译:当他们发现,听到 oi不说话, 他们开车。)

8. High molecular weight polymers as drag reducing agents have been widely used in conduits during the transportation of crude oi I. (翻译:随着石油工业的发展,超高分子量聚合物作为原油管道输送减阻剂开始得到广泛应用。)

9. Oi, oi, it's Howard Marks. He's here. (翻译:噢,噢,是霍华德马克斯, 他在这儿呢!)

10. The text and images contained on this site are the property of the Pok Oi Hospital except where otherwise indicated. (翻译:本网页的内容,包括文字及图像,均属博爱医院版权所有。)

11. Yes, sir, tonight's the night for OI' Saint Nick to make his yearly visit... to all the folks all over the world. (翻译:是的,先生,今晚是圣诞老人走访 全世界的xx年一度旅行之夜)

12. All right, we'll ask the others. Oi, text Clarkey. Ask her. (翻译:行啊,我们问问其它人 哎,给卡琪发个短信,问问她)

13. OI: I love you, lady. MJ: I love you too, son. (翻译:OI: 我爱你,夫人。MJ: 我也爱你,孩子。)

14. The 1951 Treaty oi San Francisco grew out of the need to procure materiel for the Korean War. (翻译:xx年 在美国旧金山制定的协定 为了从战争中获取实质的利益)

15. Diesel oi1 is the most useful fuel on the location. (翻译:柴油是井场上最有用的燃料。)

