
疑字草书用英语怎么说 疑字草书英语翻译

更新时间:2023-08-09 13:36:18作者:嘴嘴

疑字书在英语中翻译是"running hands",其次还可以说成"scrawl",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到33个与疑字书相关译文和例句。

1. And self-love isself-dou.

疑字草书用英语怎么说 疑字草书英语翻译

2. As in anywhere else but here.

3. - Now may i give you a word of advice? - Yeah.

4. Becse the character for "happiness" looks like " 77" in csive.

译文:那是因为"喜寿""喜"字书体 看起来就像七十七关系 对吧。

5. - ALL RiGHT,THREE CHESOUNDS CAN'T Be transthoracic oh,god,gina,baby.

6. You take better care of yoself.

7. One can also search his scbblings by subject.

8. Dou that the stars are fire, dou that the sun doth move.

9. The first of these in the field of botany were the herbals.

10. No shadow of a dou there?

11. Good. Again. Good, good, good.

12. it's like he suspects you of something. i don't know.

13. i dou that we are ters.

14. - Okay, fine. Fine. - Thank you.

