
bridegroom是什么意思 bridegroom的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-08-09 10:44:21作者:雷啸


1. The bde and bdegom should take one photo, closer...

bridegroom是什么意思 bridegroom的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. i give you a toast, Michelle and Pl. The bde and bdegom.

3. i'm tired of warming the bdegom's chair

4. Who's a very bad bdegom, indeed? !

5. To the bdegom, let's dnk up. Cheers!

6. With David the bdegom, maybe he'd better use wild ce.

7. Take me for yo bdegom, for i love you.

8. Doth she not count her blest so worthy a gentleman to be her bdegom?

翻译:我们替她找到了这么一位高贵郎君, 她还不想想这是多大福气吗。

9. Do i look like a bdegom?

10. "i am the bdegom of death."

11. Would the bde hold the bdegom's arm?

翻译:新不如挽着新郎手 {\cH00FFFF}{\3cH000000}Would the bde hold the bdegom's arm。

12. She was then a plump and shy bde, and i was a stng and happy bdegom.


13. The bdegom and best man wore white carnations in their buttonholes.

14. The bdegom and bde must retn to their om.

15. The bdegom, the matchmaker, the guests?

