
远近驰名用英语怎么说 远近驰名英语翻译

更新时间:2023-08-09 09:48:18作者:南筏

远近驰名英语是"dim sim",还可以翻译为lunar apsides,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到12个与远近驰名相关短语释义和例句。

1. What is the Okana Valley famous for?

2. Xia zhi xing: e's car team is very famous, and he's the keeper of the three chicanes . You gamble the fute and you life. You must die.

远近驰名用英语怎么说 远近驰名英语翻译


3. General Edward has led countless crusades... and is known far and wide for his bravery.

译文:艾德华将军过无数次 也因为他骁勇善战远近驰名。

4. You have a famous "tkey chili"?

5. it's not like Niger is renowned for its fine dining and celebrated operas.

6. Better known as The Buddy of Seaport.

7. Really! This restaant is known acss the country.

8. Everybody say U.S.A. television much better but this i watch for three hos, do not change.

译文:大家都说电视好看 但我看了3小时荧幕却还是一样 (请享用我们远近驰名免费早餐)。

9. Sarah, buying the ingredients to yo supposedly famous tkey chili?

10. it had a reputation as being a mob hangout.

11. The Daijiaytun and Xigaoqiao of Yutian county of Tangshan area is famous township of a clay figine far and near.


12. She makes the best jam in three counties.

13. Giving it to strangers who live close to us.

