
dcit是什么意思 dcit的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-08-09 09:18:19作者:┉┮Sеx●贝贝

DCIT是"Digital Citizenship and Information Technology"的缩写,指的是数字公民和信息技术。这个词汇涉及了数字世界中人们的行为和责任,以及信息技术对人们日常生活的影响。

dcit是什么意思 dcit的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 数字公民的行为和责任


- Being a responsible digital citizen means not sharing fake news on social media.


- Students need to be taught digital citizenship skills in order to understand their online behavior and responsibility.


2. 信息技术的应用


- Teaching children about information technology is important because it helps them develop valuable skills for the future.


- The use of information technology has made it possible for people to work remotely from anywhere in the world.


3. 数字安全和隐私


- Digital citizens must take steps to protect their personal information online, such as using strong pwords and avoiding sharing personal information with strangers.


- Schools need to ensure that students understand the importance of digital safety and privacy.


4. 数字公民和社交平台


- Digital citizens should be able to use social media responsibly and ethically, respecting the privacy and feelings of others while sharing information.


- Social media companies have a responsibility to ensure that their platforms are safe and free from harment and hate speech.




1. Digital citizenship is an important part of modern education.


2. Technology is changing rapidly and digital citizens need to keep up with these changes.


3. Cybersecurity is a critical issue for digital citizens.


4. As digital citizens, we need to use social media responsibly and ethically.


5. Schools have a responsibility to teach students about digital citizenship and information technology.









例句:We obtained the similar results both on BMDC and DC2.4 cell line. (在树突状细胞株DC2.4细胞表面也得到相似的结果。)


例句:The Marvair 12 and 24 Volt DC air conditioners are designed to operate directly from a DC power supply – an inverter is not required. (Marvair公司的12和24伏直流空调的设计运行直接从直流电源-逆变器是不需要的。)


例句:Kodak will ship a new digital camera DC215. (柯达公司将推出一种新型的数码相机DC215。)


1. Kodak will ship a new digital camera DC215. (翻译:柯达公司将推出一种新型的数码相机DC215。)

2. So, instead of a chest full of medals, we get a face full of DC-2. (翻译:所以迎接我们的不是军功章 而是遮天蔽日的DC -2)

3. The DC-3 has 21 daytime seats and 14 overnight berths. (翻译:DC -3型客机,有21个座位 14个软卧)

4. I mean, you know you can go back to Tucson, or you could even come to DC. (翻译:or you could even come to DC.)

5. A new high frequency DCDC full-bridge power converter is presented, that the soft-switching, phase-shifted PWM and bi-directional DCDC converter hang together. (翻译:研究一种把软开关技术和移相pwm控制技术以及双向DC DC变换器技术有机结合在一起的新型高频DC DC开关功率全桥变换器。)

6. Here's my favorite bands: ACIDC, Van Halen, not Van Hagar... (翻译:我最爱的乐团有AC/DC 范海伦,不是凡海格)

7. Hey, I just realized D.C. and Damian aren't talking about Breaking Bad for once. (翻译:我刚发现DC和达米安 终于没聊绝命毒师了)

8. Results The T-DC exhibited more typical dendric process es than DCs did. (翻译:结果T-DC与DC相比,具有更多、更典型的树突状突起。)

9. Well, this was the desert in which the Alitalia DC9 crashed. (翻译:没错 意大利航空DC -9型客机 就坠毁于此)

10. Yeah, provided he has already read Infinite Crisis and 52 and is familiar with the reestablishment of the DC Multiverse. (翻译:前提是他看过了无限危机和52 并且熟悉DC多重世界的重建)

11. It's hanging on a door in Washington, DC. (翻译:它被挂在 哥伦比亚特区的一扇门上。)

12. - Are you going to DC? - Yeah. (翻译:裔 テ萍 ミヌ衒 矣レヌユ翘 ソ - テフ・-)

13. Only it doesn't work. They've got a different kind of electricity. AC or DC. (翻译:只是用不了 得接不同的电源 AC或DC什么的)

14. The ability of MoDCs to up-take antigens was evaluated by zymosan granule phagocytosis test. (翻译:以酵母多糖颗粒吞噬试验评估DC的抗原摄取能力; )

15. D.C., Nadia, you guys work from the Osprey. (翻译:-听你的 老大 DC 纳蒂亚 你们驾驶鱼鹰行动)

