
evaluative是什么意思 evaluative的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-08-09 08:20:54作者:至夏(夏至未至)

evaluative是什么意思 evaluative的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义及定义: 'evaluative'是一个形容词,描述了一个言语、文本或行为对某些事物的评价或评估。它可以用来表示对于某种现象、产品、人物或事件的意见、看法、态度、判断等。

2. 用法:evaluative通常用于描述一个人的言语或行为,以确定这些言语或行为的目的是评价还是简单的描述。evaluative也可以用于描述一些作品、评论、调查、论文、报告等,以表示它们是基于某个标准来评估事物的。

3. 同义词:评估的、评论的、评价的、判断的。

4. 反义词:描写的、描述的、客观的。

5. 例句:

- His evaluative comments on the new book were very insightful. (他对这本新书的评价评论非常有见地。)

- The evaluative report shows that the company's profits have increased significantly this year. (评估报告显示,该公司今年的利润大幅增加。)

- The evaluative feedback from the customers helped us improve our product. (客户的评估反馈帮助我们改善了我们的产品。)

- The evaluative nature of the article provoked some controversy among readers. (文章的评价性质引起了读者之间的一些争议。)

- The evaluative criteria for the internship program were based on the applicant's skills and experience. (实习计划的评估标准是基于申请人的技能和经验。)




1. This report provides evaluative feedback on the company's performance in the past year.(这份报告提供了公司去年业绩的评估反馈。)

2. The evaluative criteria of this project are based on both quality and cost.(这个项目的评估标准基于质量和成本。)

3. The evaluative process of this research involves data ysis and comparison with previous studies.(这项研究的评估过程包括数据分析和与之前研究的比较。)




例句:On the basis of the four components, evaluative index can be determined, serving as the evaluative criteria of quality education. (在此基础上即可以确定定量的评价指标,从而构成素质教育的测评标准。)


例句:You cannot have a 100 percent meritocratic environment when there is a human element involved in the evaluative equation, because by definition, that makes it subjective. (当人为因素参与评估过程时, 你就无法拥有百分百完美的 精英环境。因为根据定义, 人为让它有了主观的因素。)


例句:And the conclusion was it was tasks that included social-evaluative threat -- threats to self-esteem or social status in which others can negatively judge your performance. (结果正是 那些包括社会评价威胁的任务—— 威胁到自尊和社会地位的任务—— 这些任务中他人能负面评价你的表现。)


例句:When people always use evaluative communication, they must be prepared for conflict. (翻译:当人们开始评价性的对话时,他们一定是为冲突做好了准备。)


evaluative一般作为形容词使用,如在evaluative abstract(评估性摘要)、evaluative criteria(评估标准)、evaluative diversities([网络] 评估多样性)等常见短语中出现较多。

evaluative abstract评估性摘要
evaluative criteria评估标准
evaluative diversities[网络] 评估多样性
evaluative diversity[网络] 评估多样性
evaluative feature评价要素
evaluative reporting评估报导
evaluative standard评量标准
evaluative thinking评价性思考
self evaluative reaction自我评价反应


1. And the conclusion was it was tasks that included social-evaluative threat -- threats to self-esteem or social status in which others can negatively judge your performance. (翻译:结果正是 那些包括社会评价威胁的任务—— 威胁到自尊和社会地位的任务—— 这些任务中他人能负面评价你的表现。)

2. When people always use evaluative communication, they must be prepared for conflict. (翻译:当人们开始评价性的对话时,他们一定是为冲突做好了准备。)

3. Well, you need a sponsor, frankly, because as you can see, there's not one evaluative process that I can think of, whether it's in academia, health care, financial services, not one that does not have a human element. (翻译:好吧,你需要个举荐人,坦白说, 因为你知道, 我想不出有哪个评估过程, 不论是在学术界,医疗界, 还是金融服务界, 不会涉及任何人为因素。)

4. Complex interplays between evaluative propositions and meanings have been observed to emerge out of the use of evaluative lexis. (翻译:另外,本文还发现语料中的评价性词汇表现出了复杂的评价表述和评价语义之间的互动现象。)

5. In second language learning, feedback refers to the evaluative information available to learners concerning their linguistic performance. (翻译:在第二语言学习中,反馈指针对学习者的言语行为给予学习者的评价性信息。)

6. Well, you're the only applicant with this much clinical evaluative experience, but it's not really relevant to what we do here. (翻译:在应聘者中 只有你拥有丰富的临床评估经验 不过这与我们的工作无关)

7. Value can never be defined in non-evaluative terms, hence the naturalistic fallacy. (翻译:价值不可能用非评价性的词来定义,否则就会犯自然主义的错误。)

8. This thesis attempts to explore Chinese-English translation principles for the evaluative terms in product introductions. (翻译:针对以上问题,本文试图对产品说明中丰富的评价词语进行汉英翻译原则研究。)

9. And so we think where you want to use this is evaluative situations, like social threat situations. (翻译:我们关心的其实是,我是说 你在那里可以用这些技巧去评估时势 像是社交威胁的情形。譬如说你被人打量时? )

10. And the conclusion was it was tasks that included social-evaluative threat -- threats to self-esteem or social status in which others can negatively judge your performance. (翻译:结果正是 那些包括社会评价威胁的任务—— 威胁到自尊和社会地位的任务—— 这些任务中他人能负面评价你的表现。)

11. Note: This is a descriptive, not an evaluative introduction. (翻译:注意:这是一份描述性的,而不是评量性的介绍。)



