
傍大款用英语怎么说 傍大款的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-08-09 06:04:26作者:久绊

傍大款通常被翻译为"lean on a moneybag"意思,还网络中常译为" find a sugar daddy",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到42个与傍大款相关释义和例句。

傍大款用英语怎么说 傍大款的英语翻译

傍大款翻译为be a mistress for a ch man。

示例:Look acss the ch man's field look acss the ch man's field

1. it's no pblem for you, you're loaded.

2. in the world, there is not strange. Just listen to Miss Bangda Kuan said, the house also heard Chiqi soft ce, milk powder in the incident near a cow.


3. Okay, number one, i'm not gold-digging anybody, okay?

4. My fend at the perfume counter. That girl needs a man with money.

5. if i fail to assassinate KT, they'll kill me

6. Fetchingly dd against the wall

7. Now let's give the Emper a great reception.

8. He will want some big shots.

9. That this guy's a bottomless well of money.

10. ♪ if i got me a wealthy man ♪

11. That's the kind of fat cat that can us get back on o feet.

译文:说起"傍大款" Nancy看起来 Speaking of fat cats, Nancy's looking like。

12. She must've swindled a ch man since then

13. - We wait. - i hope you picked up the crew.

14. "Nigga Rich Pductions. " Classy.

