
football是什么意思 football的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-08-08 21:50:18作者:墨默

1. 词义:足球,是一项流行的球类运动。

2. 词性:名词。

football是什么意思 football的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 词组搭配:play football(踢足球)、football match(足球比赛)、football stadium(足球场馆)、football coach(足球教练)

4. 短语:football season(足球赛季)、football team(足球队),football skills(足球技巧)

5. 发音拼写:/ftbl/


1. I like to play football on weekends.(我喜欢在周末踢足球)

2. He is a big fan of football matches.(他是足球比赛的铁粉)

3. The football stadium was crowded with excited fans.(足球场馆里挤满了兴奋的球迷)

4. The football coach is very strict with his players.(那位足球教练对他的球员非常严格)

5. The football season starts in August and ends in May.(足球赛季在xx月开始,xx月结束)



1. Can you please p me the football?(请把足球给我好吗?)

2. I have been playing football since I was a kid.(我从小就开始踢足球了。)

3. The football match was exciting to watch.(这场足球比赛很精彩。)

4. He kicked the football with great force.(他用很大的力气踢了足球。)

5. The two teams will play against each other in a football match next week.(这两个队伍下周将在一场足球比赛中对抗。)

6. She is a big fan of football and watches every match.(她是一个狂热的足球迷,每场比赛都会观看。)

7. The football stadium was filled with cheering fans.(足球场上挤满了欢呼的球迷。)

8. He injured his leg while playing football.(他在踢足球时受伤了。)

9. Who do you think will win the football tournament?(你认为谁会赢得这场足球比赛?)


读音:f qi

例句:I like playing football with my friends on the weekends. (我喜欢在周末和朋友们一起踢足球。)




例句:Hey, is that football I hear? (Hey, is that football I hear? Go on. Check it out.)


例句:My dad coached football and taught history. (我爸爸是足球教练 还教历史 My dad coached football and taught history.)


例句:Football player? Band geek? (我告诉你我的第一次了, 现在你必须告诉我你的是谁。)


例句:We were on the same football team. (翻译:We were on the same football team. 我们在同一个足球队里。)


football一般作为名词使用,如在fantasy football(n. 虚拟足球赛(人们选择现实中的足球运动员组成一支虚拟的球队, 以球员的实际表现计分))、flag football((美式)夺旗橄榄球(擒抱方式不同于一般的美式足球, 而是从对方的腰带上拽出一块织物))、football ace(足球明星,球王)等常见短语中出现较多。

fantasy footballn. 虚拟足球赛(人们选择现实中的足球运动员组成一支虚拟的球队, 以球员的实际表现计分)
flag football(美式)夺旗橄榄球(擒抱方式不同于一般的美式足球, 而是从对方的腰带上拽出一块织物)
football ace足球明星,球王
football around高声叫卖,招揽顾客
Football Association(英国)足球协会
football boot足球鞋(鞋底有防滑橡胶钉)
football boots[体]足球鞋
football club足球俱乐部
football coach足球教练


1. Football player? Band geek? (翻译:我告诉你我的第一次了, 现在你必须告诉我你的是谁。)

2. We were on the same football team. (翻译:We were on the same football team. 我们在同一个足球队里。)

3. I-I may not know much about football. (翻译:I -I may not know much about football.)

4. He was a football player and a lifeguard. (翻译:He was a football player and a lifeguard. 踢足球的而且还是救生员)

5. Since football is a popular sport for young people, they will think betting on football is moral as the government legalizes it. (翻译:由于足球运动的普及是青少年他们认为合法化,是道德。)

6. If it's true they play football. (翻译:如果我们不加.奴什么内客的话 他们还是会那样继续的 还有我的眼睛!)

7. Asian! There are no Asians or Latinos in football! (翻译:老兄,你是亚洲人 没有亚洲人或拉丁人在打美式足球)

8. I love watching football — NFL football on TV, especially the Giants. (翻译:我爱看电视橄榄球赛—电视上的全美橄榄球联盟赛事,特别是巨大队的赛事。)

9. No more football, no more Kilmer. (翻译:不再有足球和基墨 如我加入布朗,不再有西迦南)

10. Did you play college football? (翻译:Did you play college football?)

11. And really, this is a side of English football... a face of English football we do not want to see. (翻译:说真的 这是英国足球的一面 是我们不想看到的英国足球的一面)

12. At the time St Etienne was dominating French football and the other two were dominating European football and maybe world football. (翻译:当时,圣主宰着法国足球,而另外两支球队支配着欧洲甚至是世界足球。)

13. The greatest football player ever. (翻译:他是最伟大的橄榄球员 大学毕业后去了芝加哥 The greatest football player ever.)

14. A football club Is a commercial operation. (翻译:足球俱乐部属于商业机构 A football club Is a commercial operation.)

15. Professional football does not attract new talent, and investing in a professional football team is not a new idea. (翻译:职业橄榄球吸引不到新人才 对职业球队进行投资 也不是什么新点子)



