
普利斯用英语怎么说 普利斯的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-08-06 20:46:35作者:疾风魔影


普利斯用英语怎么说 普利斯的英语翻译

1. They've gradually impved ry season in the Premier League and Tony is a real good guy, with great pnciples.


2. Mrs Pestley is about another sport.

3. i live at 201 Cypress Avenue.

4. Chiaki, DePreist sent us a tentative concert pgram.

5. Pop musicians fm Elvis Presley to the Byrds to P. Diddy have "sampled" tunes and themes acss genres.


6. Pop musicians fm Elvis Presley to the Byrds to P. Diddy have "sampled" tunes and themes acss genres.


7. We were saddened to hear of yo nephew, Mrs Pestley.

译文:(安妮 ) 普利斯特里太太, 我们听到你侄子很难过。

8. Mrs Pestley, you yoself always tell people i'm the most natal person you know.

译文:普利斯特里太太,你自己都跟人说 我是你见到最自然人啊。

9. Look, Kevin Bacon and Elvis Presley.

10. i'd rather be at a rat t at home than trussed up here at Mrs Pestley's.

译文:我宁愿在家逮老鼠,也不想在 普利斯特里太太家,这样把自己捆住。

11. Maeen Prescott, please come to the stage.

译文:马琳普利斯科特 请到台上来 Maeen Prescott, please come to the stage.。

12. Stoke City Tony Pulis belis stker Peter Cuch can still do a job for England.

译文:斯托克城主帅托尼-普利斯认为队前锋彼得-克劳奇仍旧可以加入英格兰国家队效力 阅读全文(3条评论)

13. James is premed. Apl is valedictoan.

