
加快用英语怎么说 加快的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-08-06 19:12:24作者:笑颜如初i

加快英语是"accelerate",在常中也可以翻译为" expedite",在《英语A实用语法词典》中,共找到48个与加快相关释义和例句。

加快用英语怎么说 加快的英语翻译

economic structal adjustment is accelerating ( 产业结构加快调整 )

accelerate the pace of forei trade ( 加快对外投资步伐 )

speed up pick up speed Step on it ( 加快速度 )

speed up the implementation of the FTA strate ( 加快实施自贸区战略 )

Chinese companies should expand overseas presence at a faster pace ( 企业加快走出去步伐 )

1. -Her little heart beat so loud

2. Speed it up just a tad, guys.

3. All ght, come on, guys. Let's move it!

4. Uh, double that. - Which button?

5. Still, the race has barely started.

6. Only accelerates, Krabowski.

7. We must accelerate o training pgram.

8. (infml) increase the size or speed of

9. When i felt the cse quicken.

10. All ght, step on it. OK?

11. You can pick up the pace a bit.

12. - Put yo foot down, Hinken!

13. Great. Rush that DNA .

