
solis是什么意思 solis的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-08-06 18:40:29作者:荷栗

solis是什么意思 solis的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 音乐流媒体平台—— Solis Music

Solis Music是一个在线音乐平台,提供订阅式音乐服务。该平台为用户提供高质量的音乐内容,包括电子音乐、流行音乐、嘻哈音乐等。


- I love using Solis Music to discover new artists and songs.

- She has a playlist on Solis Music that she listens to every morning before work.

2. 地理位置—— Solis Planum

Solis Planum是火星上的一个平原,位于赤道附近的Tharsis极巨火山的南侧,是火星地表上最平坦的区域之一。


- The rover Curiosity is currently exploring the Solis Planum region of Mars.

- There are many interesting geological features on Solis Planum that scientists want to study.

3. 企业品牌名称—— Solis Appliances

Solis Appliances是一家瑞士家电公司,生产高质量的咖啡机、搅拌器、烤面包机等小家电产品,在全球范围内销售。


- I just got a new coffee maker from Solis Appliances and it makes the best coffee.

- The blender from Solis Appliances is really powerful and can blend anything.

4. 缩写词—— Solis Health Plans

Solis Health Plans是美国的一家健康保险公司,为个人和家庭提供全方位的健康保险服务。


- I have Solis Health Plans through my employer and it's been a great experience.

- Solis Health Plans has a wide network of doctors and hospitals, so I can easily find a provider near me.

5. 单词本身—— Solis



- The solis was shining brightly on the beach.

- In ancient Roman mythology, Solis was the god of the sun.





1. The solis is the center of our solar system.


2. The sunflower always turns towards the solis.


3. Solar power harnesses the energy of the solis to generate electricity.





例句:Of course. We need all the prayers we can get. Mrs. Solis, it's time for her sponge bath. (当然了 所有的祈祷者都能来 Solis夫人,现在要用海绵给她擦身了 再说一次? 有些时候家里人会希望自己 帮亲人做这些事情 我想我不必了 Martha. 你的钱包呢?)


例句:What I was wondering is if you've bothered to spend any time reflecting on the reasons that you've been grounded and all the pain that you've caused the Solis family. (我在想你也许应该多花点时间去反省一下 ...你所做的一切 你给Solis一家带来得痛苦)


例句:I never would have told Mr. Solis about you and john. (我从未告诉SOLIS先生你和JOHN的事)


例句:What me and Mrs. Solis have -- it's deep, you know? (翻译:我和Solis... 爱的很深 你知道吗?)


solis一般作为名词使用,如在ictus solis([医] 日射病, 中暑)、jus solis(出生地主义)、ros solis([网络] 玫瑰果)等常见短语中出现较多。

ictus solis[医] 日射病, 中暑
jus solis出生地主义
ros solis[网络] 玫瑰果
rosa solis毛颤苔


1. I never would have told Mr. Solis about you and john. (翻译:我从未告诉SOLIS先生你和JOHN的事)

2. What me and Mrs. Solis have -- it's deep, you know? (翻译:我和Solis... 爱的很深 你知道吗?)

3. No, no, no. This has gabrielle solis written all over it. (翻译:不不 这一定与Gabrielle Solis脱不了干系)

4. Yes, Juanita Solis had been dreaming steadily for five months. (翻译:是的,Juanita Solis已经做了五个月的梦了)

5. when gabrielle solis agreed to marry victor lang, she was determined to have a very traditional wedding. (翻译:当Gabrielle Solis 同意嫁给Victor Lang后 她决定要举行一个传统的婚礼)

6. Mama Juanita, I'm going to the store. (翻译:Solis妈妈,我要去商店 你有什么需要的吗?)

7. I will tell Carlos, Gabrielle, and the police that it was your son driving the car that killed Juanita Solis. (翻译:我就告诉卡洛斯 加布丽尔和 是你的儿子开车 撞死了卡洛斯的母亲)

8. Don't say that. We need to stay positive. Mr. and Mrs. Solis? (翻译:别说那个了 我们要有积极的心态 Solis先生和夫人? John 我可以进来吗?)

9. If the Applewhites go to the police and tell them that your brother ran over Mrs. Solis, he could go to prison. (翻译:如果艾波怀特报警 告诉他们你哥哥撞了索利斯夫人 他可能会进)

10. Gabrielle Solis lives a little down in the street, she brought here Paella. (翻译:GabrielleSolis住在这条街的下面一点,她带来的是辣肉菜饭)

11. From the moment his doctors had told him he was blind, carlos soils had worried about only one thing-- that the people in his life would come to see him as a burden. (翻译:自从医生告诉他眼睛瞎了的那一刻起 Carlos Solis只在担心一件事 周围的人会把他当作累赘来看待)

12. Gabrielle Solis was at her mirror, halfheartedly putting the final touches on her lips. (翻译:Gabrielle solis 站在镜子前 漫不经心地涂着口红)

13. Solis an excellent boxer with great defensive skills that figures to give Gamboa a difficult fight because of his style. (翻译:索利斯是个优秀的有极好防守技术的拳手,由于他的风格预计会给甘博阿觉得难打。)

14. Anyone could have hit Mrs. Solis. That sounds good. Bree, are you sure? (翻译:谁都可能撞了Solis 那倒不错 Bree,你确定吗?)

15. Mr Solis, come out here, I need to talk to you! (翻译:我要跟你谈谈! JOHN,闭嘴. JOHN,闭的嘴)



