
不字用英语怎么说 不字的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-08-06 12:04:25作者:剧终

不字用英语说"have no denial",还经常被译作unhyphened,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到20个与不字相关短语释义和例句。

不字用英语怎么说 不字的英语翻译

不字翻译为pportional characters。

示例:in this case, enter the first o characters and press STRG and .


not words but thank you ( 不字但谢谢你 )

words and figes differ ( 文字与数字不一致 )

alexia text blindness ( 读字不能 内科 )

No mention Official Lyc Video says nothing of ( 只字不提 )

ADSL asymmetc digital subscber line asymmetcal digital subscber line ADSL-asymmetcal digi( 不对称数字用户线 )

1. Look, if you can't read, say so.

2. No, fo words... "all you can eat."

3. if you can't read, you'll lead the stable life of a technician

4. i don't wanna hear another word about it!

5. i'm not such a good reader myself, you know.

6. Just becse i can't read doesn't make me stupid.

7. i don't want any word "darky" in the report.

8. it's like the Library of Congress up there. Nothing gets lost. Nothing gets stolen.

9. if you r say "no" again...

10. He can't read - But he can speak

11. if yu dn't let him hae this, yu're an ungrateful sn.

12. Did you see his handwting?

13. -No, i got lots of orange.

14. No, i mean the handwting on it.

15. No, words are my business, Delsanto.

