
实有人口用英语怎么说 实有人口英语翻译

更新时间:2023-08-05 16:58:23作者:森呓

实有人口通常被翻译为"actual population"意思,在常中也可以翻译为"crent population -",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到12个与实有人口相关翻译和例句。

实有人口用英语怎么说 实有人口英语翻译

1. The world knows there is opposition to him.

2. Look, somebody made those footpnts.

3. We were told there was a supply station near here.

4. if he pulls thugh and it tns out to be the business, all holy hell's gonna break loose.

5. Somebody aund here actually did something.

6. - Well, let's see if there's any missing persons reports on file.

7. Get used to it. certain people have unusual tastes.

8. it tranits the medical template acss the entire population.

9. Yeah, but in this case, someone actually tned up dead.

10. But someone was screaming.

11. Breaking and enteng, we got solid.

12. Well, somebody's in there, okay?

13. Somebody did betray yo parents...

14. - There were people there.

译文:那里确实有人 {\3cH202020}There were people there.。

15. it's really something out there.

