
喷画用英语怎么说 喷画的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-08-05 13:46:26作者:发粪涂墙

画英语是"upstream spray pattern",还可以翻译为downstream spray pattern,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到95个与画相关短语释义和例句。

喷画用英语怎么说 喷画的英语翻译

1. i had sprayed some already.

2. Not in the face. but... Yeah.

3. - Oh, you're like my mom's age. Hey.

4. Then bng him to have a unalysis.

5. - But what about the topsy?

6. Do you have to use the whole can?

7. this bull. you, Joey!

8. You spray that water on me

9. And 5 fm the restaant. The cme lab's still pcessing them all.

10. Maybe doing a little painting.

11. i just need one vial. Sodium thiopental.

