
newly是什么意思 newly的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-08-05 09:26:25作者:安瑾然

词义:newly 是一个副词,表示刚刚、新近、最近等意思。

newly是什么意思 newly的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:newly married (新婚的), newly formed (新成立的), newly arrived (新到达的), newly developed (新开发的), newly renovated (新装修的), newly discovered (新发现的), newly released (新发布的)等。




1. They have just moved into their newly renovated house. (他们刚刚搬进了新装修的房子。)

2. The newly promoted manager is adjusting to his new position. (新晋升的经理正在适应他的新职位。)

3. The newly formed committee will discuss the issue at their next meeting. (新成立的委员会将在下一次会议上讨论这个问题。)

4. The newly discovered species of fish is fascinating scientists. (新发现的这种鱼类让科学家觉得很有趣。)

5. She just got a job offer from a newly established company. (她刚刚收到了一家新成立公司的工作邀约。)

6. The newly elected mayor promised to improve the city's infrastructure. (新当选的市长承诺改善城市基础设施。)

7. The newly opened restaurant is already getting great reviews. (新开的餐厅已经收到了很好的评价。)




1. The newly renovated hotel is now open for business. (新装修的酒店现在已经开业了。)

2. I just bought a newly released al by my favorite band. (我刚刚买了我最喜欢的乐队新发布的专辑。)

3. The newly elected mayor promised to bring about positive changes in the city. (新当选的市长承诺会在城市中带来积极的变化。)

4. The newly married couple went on their honeymoon to Hawaii. (新婚夫妇去夏威夷度蜜月了。)

5. The company is expanding and has hired a lot of newly trained employees. (公司正在扩张,并雇用了许多新培训的员工。)




例句:As all the newly born ones, they have a lot to learn. (像所有新出生的生命一样 他们有很多东西需要学习)


例句:What is actually giving this newly created money value? (到底是什么东西,把价值赋予 这些新创造出来的货币呢?)


例句:But the newly established United States was still the corn capital of the world. (但是,新成立的美国 仍然是世界玉米之都。)


例句:Most installations are made on newly constructed buildings, but retrofits are rising. (翻译:绿屋顶大多设置在新建筑物上,但翻修时装置的例子也逐渐增多。)


newly一般作为副词、动词使用,如在newly born(新生)、newly broken(新垦荒地)、newly built(un. 新建的)等常见短语中出现较多。

newly born新生
newly broken新垦荒地
newly builtun. 新建的
newly created新创
newly designed新设计
newly discovered[网络] 新发现
newly elected[网络] 新选;新当选;新任
newly installed[网络] 新设置的
newly made[网络] 新制的;新造


1. But the newly established United States was still the corn capital of the world. (翻译:但是,新成立的美国 仍然是世界玉米之都。)

2. Most installations are made on newly constructed buildings, but retrofits are rising. (翻译:绿屋顶大多设置在新建筑物上,但翻修时装置的例子也逐渐增多。)

3. I mean you, the newly appointed Public Affairs Section Chief. (翻译:I mean you, the newly appointed Public Affairs Section Chief.)

4. These newly launched measures are aimed at preventing violent crime. (翻译:这些新出台的措施旨在防止暴力犯罪。)

5. Andthe newly floating ice may simply get in the way. (翻译:并且,新出现的浮动冰山也许会形成妨碍。)

6. Sandis tipped into newly Built volleyball court. (翻译:沙子被倒进新建的排球场里。)

7. Dopt total newly electric machinery of more sufficient power. (翻译:采用全新电机使动力更充足。)

8. This is a newly built temple to arhats. (翻译:这段简要介绍了寺罗汉。)

9. Howard and Bernadette, the five of us stand before you as your friends and newly ordained ministers. (翻译:今天我们作为你们的朋友兼牧师 the five of us stand before you as your friends 站在你们的面前 and newly ordained ministers.)

10. "This newly built,2-bedroom villa is peacefully seated (翻译:这是最新的建筑,两个卧室的别墅设计得祥和)

11. Once bitten, the newly-infected were filled with an insatiable hunger for the brains of the living. (翻译:新近的被感染者便充满了对活脑 the newly -infected were filled with an insatiable hunger 无尽的饥饿感 for the brains of the living.)

12. Cortinicara gibbosa(Herbst) is a jujube pest newly discovered in Dacheng county of Hebei province. This insect is a newly recorded species. (翻译:隆背花薪甲是在河北省大城县新发现的一种枣树害虫,为我国新记录种。)

13. The NDP is the newly created values and is the index corresponding to the EDP. (翻译:由于NDP全部为新创造的价值,是与ED p相对应的指标。)

14. Newly created and often remote, they're hard for colonists to reach. (翻译:由于形成时间晚 又常十分偏远 鲜少有生命踏足)

15. Newly-built wooden cottages line the street. (翻译:街道两旁是新建的木屋。)

