
vd3是什么意思 vd3的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-30 21:19:28作者:つ宿命



vd3是什么意思 vd3的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:The milonga has a rhythmic pattern that we musicians call 3-3-2. (米隆加的那种节拍 我们音乐家们称之为3-3-2。)


例句:Unemployment rose (by) 3%. (失业人数增长了3%。)


例句:Beauty you tire of in 3 days, ugly you get used to in 3 (美女连看三天也腻了, 丑女连看三天就看惯了)


例句:Oxindole, 3 methyloxindole, and indoxyl were identified as degradation metabolites of indole, 3 methylindole, and 3 indolyl acetate, respectively. (翻译:氧化吲哚,3 甲基氧化吲哚和羰基吲哚分别为吲哚、3 甲基吲哚和3 吲哚醋酸酯的代谢产物。)


vd3一般作为名词使用,如在VD3([=7-dehydrochole sterol]7-脱氢胆甾醇)、VD amplifier(垂直推动放大器)、VD separator(垂直推动分离器)等常见短语中出现较多。

VD3[=7-dehydrochole sterol]7-脱氢胆甾醇
VD amplifier垂直推动放大器
VD separator垂直推动分离器
vd/vt[=ratio of dead-space to total ventilation]死腔容量与总通气量比值
VD1[=vitamin D1]维生素D1
flyspeck 3过小字型


1. Beauty you tire of in 3 days, ugly you get used to in 3 (翻译:美女连看三天也腻了, 丑女连看三天就看惯了)

2. Oxindole, 3 methyloxindole, and indoxyl were identified as degradation metabolites of indole, 3 methylindole, and 3 indolyl acetate, respectively. (翻译:氧化吲哚,3 甲基氧化吲哚和羰基吲哚分别为吲哚、3 甲基吲哚和3 吲哚醋酸酯的代谢产物。)

3. You'll split up into 3 groups consisting of 3 boys and 3 girls, so get together and work with the different tasks. (翻译:你们会分成三组 每组三个男孩三个女孩 一起完成每组不同的任务)

4. 3 for the past 3 for the present, 3 for the future (翻译:三张代表过去 三张代表现在 三张代表未来)

5. But you owe Noah here $3, and another 3 for Taylor. (翻译:但你们必须付Noah和Taylor各3美元)

6. Objective To observe the effect of electropuncture on mouse's jumping experiment of synthetic VD learning dysmnesia . (翻译:目的观察电针对拟血管性痴呆小鼠学习记忆障碍的影响。)

7. Pay first before getting a condom to prevent VD infection. (翻译:三,使用者先付钱后领安 全套 为了防止性病)

8. - But, coach, isn't that their shift to 3-4-3? (翻译:但是教练 这不是他们3 -4 -3的阵型吗)

9. Conclusion Needling points Baihui and Dazhui can improve learning ability and memory, and free radical metabolism in VD rats. (翻译:结论百会,大椎穴能提高VD大鼠的学习记忆能力,并能改善自由基的代谢。)

10. 1 out 3,something in 7,clear roger 1 out 3 (翻译:1/3小队,7区似乎有动静,完毕 roger,1 out 3 收到,1/3小队)

11. Bombing 3 and Fighting 3 at 1,900. 15 minutes to target. (翻译:轰炸机三中队和战斗机三中队 高度六千米,距目标十五分钟航程)

12. These are served by about 500 staff at the VDMA all over Germany but also in Brussels and some key countries of mechanical engineering. (翻译:VD MA有大约500名员工遍布德国,以及布鲁塞尔和其他机械工业重要的国家。)

13. This is kind of like that window of time when you're waiting in the waiting room of the VD clinic, isn't it? (翻译:这有点像是你在性病诊所 在候诊室窗口等着的那种感觉 不是吗)

14. Baggage car, rack 3, silver briefcase, combination 3-1-4. (翻译:钱放在行李车厢的第三个支架上 银色公文包, 开锁码是 314)

15. The continuous catalytic hydrogenation process which prepares N-(3-pentyl)-3, 4-dimethylaniline from 3,4-dimethylaniline and 3-pentanone is described. (翻译:以3,4-二甲基苯胺和3-戊酮为原料,对该催化剂活性进行了考察。)


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