
injective是什么意思 injective的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-30 20:44:28作者:水珊

injective是什么意思 injective的中文翻译、读音、例句

作为一名英语老师,以下是我对于 'injective' 这个单词或者缩写词的解释和实例:

1. 定义

'Injective' 是指一个函数或者映射的一种特殊性质,即每一个输入有唯一的输出。

2. 同义词

'Injective' 还可以表示为 'one-to-one' 或者 'one-to-one correspondence'。

3. 对比

与 'injective' 对应的概念是 'non-injective',即在一个函数或者映射中存在多个输入对应同一个输出。

4. 应用

'Injective' 在数学和计算机科学中有广泛的应用,例如在密码学、图像处理和数据库设计中都有使用。

5. 总结

在数学和计算机科学领域,'injective' 是一个常见的术语,表示一个函数或映射每个输入都对应唯一的输出。它在实际应用中有着广泛的用途。

以下是 5 个中英例句:

1. The function f(x) = x^2 is not injective, because different inputs can produce the same output.

函数 f(x) = x^2 不是一个单射,因为不同的输入可能会产生相同的输出。

2. An injective function is sometimes called a one-to-one function, because each input corresponds to exactly one output.


3. A hash function must be injective to ensure that different inputs produce different outputs.


4. In database design, an injective function is often used to ensure that each record corresponds to a unique primary key.


5. The injective property of a function makes it easier to invert, because each output corresponds to exactly one input.





1. 这个函数是单射的,每个自变量对应唯一的函数值。

The function is injective, each input corresponds to a unique output.

2. 如果一个线性变换是单射的,那么它将不会改变向量空间的维度。

If a linear transformation is injective, it will not change the dimension of the vector space.




例句:Objective To expel the artificial technique factor, study the main factors that affect the effect of injective augmentation mammaplasty. (目的:排除人为技术因素,探讨影响注射式隆乳外形效果的主要因素。)


例句:Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of injective therapy for non parasitic hepatic cyst. (目的:评价非寄生虫性肝囊肿B超引导经皮穿刺注射治疗的临床效果。)


例句:In nonmonotonic logic, injective preferential models play an important role. (单射占优模型在非单调逻辑中具有重要的地位。)


例句:This topic is about the design and manufacture of the Nokia 7610 covers precise injective mould. (翻译:本课题是诺基亚7610外壳精密注塑模的设计与制造。)


injective一般作为形容词使用,如在injective cl([数] 单射类)、injective mapping(单射)、injective radius(单射半径)等常见短语中出现较多。

injective cl[数] 单射类
injective mapping单射
injective radius单射半径
injective cochain complex内[单]射上链复形
open injective mapping[数] 开单射


1. In nonmonotonic logic, injective preferential models play an important role. (翻译:单射占优模型在非单调逻辑中具有重要的地位。)

2. This topic is about the design and manufacture of the Nokia 7610 covers precise injective mould. (翻译:本课题是诺基亚7610外壳精密注塑模的设计与制造。)

3. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of injective therapy for non parasitic hepatic cyst. (翻译:目的:评价非寄生虫性肝囊肿B超引导经皮穿刺注射治疗的临床效果。)

4. By means of introducing semi-reflexive modules, we give the concept of SR-projective modules and SR-injective modules. (翻译:通过引入半自反模,给出了SR-投射模与SR-模的概念,并且分别研究了它们的性质。)

5. Objective: To observe the effect of injective triamcinolone acetonide for the treatment of keloid. (翻译:目的:观察曲安奈德注射液瘢痕内注射治疗瘢痕疙瘩的疗效。)

6. Objective: to observe the effect of injective triamcinolone acetonide for the treatment of keloid. (翻译:目的:观察曲安奈德注射液瘢痕内注射治疗瘢痕疙瘩的疗效。)

7. In nonmonotonic logic, injective preferential models play an important role. (翻译:单射占优模型在非单调逻辑中具有重要的地位。)

8. In this note, we discuss the FP- injective dimension under changes of rings. (翻译:在这篇注记中,我们讨论了基环改变下的FP-维数之间的关系。)

9. The influence of the four-node structure destroying the injective preservation under reductions is studied. (翻译:我们对四点结构在单射的归约保持性方面的作用进行了分析。)


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