
enormous是什么意思 enormous的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-30 16:08:28作者:空心人

1. 词性:enormous是一个形容词,表示巨大的,庞大的,极其重要的。

enormous是什么意思 enormous的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 同义词:huge, mive, colossal, immense, gigantic

3. 反义词:tiny, small, little, minuscule, microscopic

4. 用法:enormous常用于描述物体或数量的巨大,也可以用来形容事件或情况的严重性或影响力。

Example Sentences:

1. The elephant was enormous, towering over the other animals at the zoo. (这头大象巨大无比,是动物园里其他动物的巨人。)

2. The amount of work he had to do was enormous, and he didn't know how he was going to finish it all. (他要完成的工作量巨大,他不知道自己要如何完成。)

3. The company's profits have grown enormous over the past year. (公司的利润在过去的xx年里增长了巨大。)

4. Her accomplishments as an athlete are enormous, having won multiple gold medals at the Olympics. (她作为一名运动员的成就是巨大的,赢得了多个奥运金牌。)

5. The impact of the pandemic on the world economy has been enormous, causing widespread job loss and economic instability. (疫情对世界经济的影响是巨大的,导致广泛的失业和经济不稳定。)



1. The elephant is an enormous animal.


2. After the flood, the city faced an enormous cleanup effort.


3. The company's profits were enormous last year.


enormous的中文解释是"巨大的 、极大的",还有极大的意思,读音为[i'n:ms],enormous是一个英语形容词,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到36个与enormous相关的例句。



例句:The editor said, with enormous disdain, "I read this. (编辑带着巨大的藐视回答道: “我已经读了这篇报道。)


例句:Build a city, an enormous city. (Build a city, an enormous city.)


例句:But doing so requires an enormous amount of high-grade fuel. (但这需要庞大的能量补给 {\3cH202020}But doing so requires an enormous amount of high)


例句:Understand that you are part of this enormous chain of events. (翻译:了解到你是这 不平凡的链条中的一部分。)


enormous一般作为形容词使用,如在enormous great([网络] 巨大的)、enormous quantity(巨大的数量)等常见短语中出现较多。

enormous great[网络] 巨大的
enormous quantity巨大的数量


1. But doing so requires an enormous amount of high-grade fuel. (翻译:但这需要庞大的能量补给 {\3cH202020}But doing so requires an enormous amount of high)

2. Understand that you are part of this enormous chain of events. (翻译:了解到你是这 不平凡的链条中的一部分。)

3. But the price of its dominance is enormous. (翻译:但是,让专家成为社会向往的主流代表则必然要付出相当大的代价 )

4. Now the civilian casualties will be enormous. (翻译:死伤会很惨重 Now the civilian casualties will be enormous.)

5. - What an enormous responsibility! (翻译:- 承担的的责任太大了! - 但是你还其它的选择吗? - What an enormous responsibility!)

6. Maybe that experience helped give me the enormous regard that I have for musical talent. (翻译:Maybe that experience helped give me... 也许是这种经验让我对歌舞片天才 ...the enormous regard that I have for musical talent.)

7. Much of the Sahara is underlain by an enormous freshwater aquifer. (翻译:撒哈拉沙漠的大面积地区都由 一个巨大的地下蓄水层所支撑。)

8. He has excellent judgement, enormous stature and great charm. (翻译:我觉得他判断准确 高大伟岸 极富人格魅力 He has excellent judgement, enormous stature and great charm.)

9. I mean that thing is enormous. (翻译:那块石头简直是庞然大物 I mean that thing is enormous.)

10. What the parishioner lost was enormous. (翻译:教区居民的损失是巨大的。)

11. That enormous, unsettling, crazy face. (翻译:那张让人心烦又抓狂的大脸 That enormous, unsettling, crazy face.)

12. It was an enormous, enormous historical moment. (翻译:这一个巨大的, 前所未有的历史性运动。)

13. The main bedroom is enormous. (翻译:主卧室大极了。)

14. It would create an enormous PR problem. (翻译:不然会造成巨大的公关问题 It would create an enormous pr problem.)

15. Use the curtains, if you must, but clothe this enormous girl (翻译:如果需要的话就用窗帘吧 但总之让这个巨人女孩穿上衣服)


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