
semper是什么意思 semper的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-30 08:16:29作者:隔岸观火

semper是什么意思 semper的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:Semper是拉丁语的词汇,意为“永远”。在英语中,常用于与、组织、团体等相关的口号和标语中。

2. 词性:Semper是一个副词。

3. 词组搭配:常用的词组有“Semper Fidelis”(永远忠诚),“Semper Paratus”(永远准备好),“Semper Vigilans”(永远警惕)。

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:/smpr/

6. 例句:

- The Marine Corps' motto, "Semper Fidelis," means "always faithful."

(海军陆战队的口号“Semper Fidelis”意为“永远忠诚”。)

- The Coast Guard's motto is "Semper Paratus," which means "always ready."

(海岸警卫队的口号是“Semper Paratus”,意为“永远准备好”。)

- The Boy Scouts' slogan is "Be Prepared" or "Semper Paratus."

(童子军的口号是“Be Prepared”或“Semper Paratus”。)

- The Secret Service's motto is "Worthy of Trust and Confidence," or "Semper Fidelis."

(特勤局的口号是“值得信任和信赖”,或者“Semper Fidelis”。)

- The US Navy uses the motto "Semper Fortis," which means "always strong."

(美国海军使用的口号是“Semper Fortis”,意为“永远强大”。)


读音:sn pi


1. Semper fidelis 是美国海军陆战队的口号,意思是“永远忠诚”。

2. 他们的友谊始于青少年时代,一直持续到今天,可以说是 semper的。

3. 记住 semper的口号,始终保持乐观向上的心态,在生活中遇到挑战也能勇往直前。




例句:Each man became a brother, Depending on each other, And the world knows the words of Semper Fi. (人人今生即为兄弟,兄弟相依人人一衷,世人遂知我格言:永效忠。)


例句:The stripes of the Semper Augustus were caused by the genes of a virus. (“永远的奥古斯都”上的条纹是由一种病毒基因造成的。)


例句:So the silly Latin semper ubi sub ubi 'always where under where' may not apply to the Romans. (所以那些愚蠢的拉丁人总是在这里或那里胡乱折腾,不大可能去申请去做罗马人。)


例句:Not knowing that an infection was involved, the Dutch growers were puzzled why the Semper Augustus would not breed true. (翻译:荷兰的花卉栽培者过去并不知道这与病毒感染有关,所以就搞不懂为什么“永远的奥古斯都”不易培育。)


semper一般作为副词、动词使用,如在nuclei of Semper([昆] 森氏核)、semper eadem(始终如一(英国女王伊丽莎白一世的座右铭))、Semper Gumbi([网络] Semper Gumby)等常见短语中出现较多。

nuclei of Semper[昆] 森氏核
semper eadem始终如一(英国女王伊丽莎白一世的座右铭)
Semper Gumbi[网络] Semper Gumby
Semper Gumbygumby
semper idem总是如此
semper paratus[法] 随时准备
fama semper vivat![网络] 愿他流芳百世
Semper's cell森氏细胞
Semper's larva六放珊瑚幼虫


1. So the silly Latin semper ubi sub ubi 'always where under where' may not apply to the Romans. (翻译:所以那些愚蠢的拉丁人总是在这里或那里胡乱折腾,不大可能去申请去做罗马人。)

2. Not knowing that an infection was involved, the Dutch growers were puzzled why the Semper Augustus would not breed true. (翻译:荷兰的花卉栽培者过去并不知道这与病毒感染有关,所以就搞不懂为什么“永远的奥古斯都”不易培育。)

3. So the silly Latin semper ubi sub ubi 'always where under where' may not apply to the Romans. (翻译:所以那些愚蠢的拉丁人总是在这里或那里胡乱折腾,不大可能去申请去做罗马人。)

4. The stripes of the Semper Augustus were caused by the genes of a virus. (翻译:“永远的奥古斯都”上的条纹是由一种病毒基因造成的。)

5. First, we have something that you guys that played Semper Fi will recognize, a triggered modifier screen. (翻译:首先,我们有一些你们所扮演的永远忠诚才意识到,触发修改画面。)

6. Gentlemen, you know what they say in the Army, Semper fi. (翻译:先生们 你知道里是怎么说的,永远忠诚)

7. In Semper Fi, the command level of an HQ determines the size of the sprite on the map, so Theatre HQs are huge and single brigades tiny. (翻译:在《永》中,兵牌的大小取决于级别。所以战区司令部会很大而旅会很小。)

8. Art Expression and Material Exertion in Tectonic--Talking about Semper and Wright (翻译:建构中的材料运用及艺术表达--关于散普尔与赖特)




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