
3dec是什么意思 3dec的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-29 15:22:29作者:西风残


3dec是什么意思 3dec的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:On Dec. 20, 2010, after speaking to the Knesset, I met with the prime minister and urged him to go public with his request. (xx年xx月xx日,我在以色列议会做过发言之后,觐见了这位以色列内塔尼亚,并敦促他公开提出自己的请求。)


例句:However we reported in January that Mturk isn't being used as much as the initial hype period in Nov-Dec 05. (无论如何,我们xx月份报导的Mturk没有使用像十一到xx月xx日那样的首写字母大写宣传。)


例句:That's because... you killed Shinji Togashi... the day before on Dec. 1st. (因为你是在前一天xx月xx日 杀死富坚慎二的)


3dec一般作为名词使用,如在Sa Dec([网络] 沙沥;沙沥市;沙德)、stat dec([网络] 统计数据)、flyspeck 3(过小字型)等常见短语中出现较多。

Sa Dec[网络] 沙沥;沙沥市;沙德
stat dec[网络] 统计数据
flyspeck 3过小字型
generation 3Apple的处理器晶片名称
george 3GEORGE 3 作业系统
group 3[计] 第三组标准
L/3[=lower third]下三分之一(长骨)
laterolog 3三侧向测井
layer 3第 三 层(电脑网路)
M/3[=middle third(long bones)]中三分之一(长骨)


1. That's because... you killed Shinji Togashi... the day before on Dec. 1st. (翻译:因为你是在前一天xx月xx日 杀死富坚慎二的)

2. When I bought my first desktop, it was a DEC Rainbow. (翻译:那时我买了自己的第一个台式电脑 那是DEC公司的Rainbow )

3. In DECNET, a packet that has exceeded the maximum number of visits for the recovering node. (翻译:在DEC网络中,对正恢复的网点的访问次数超过了最大值的一个分组报文。)

4. In mahjong, with 3 one's, 3 two's 3 three's, 3 four's and a five (翻译:打麻将你手上有三个一万,三个二万 三个三万,三个四万,一个五万)

5. It was overshadowed by the presidential campaign, but last Dec. 5 a bit of environmental legislative history was made. (翻译:虽然一度被总统大选遮上了阴云,但是在去年xx月xx日,一段环保立法史还是悄然而生。)

6. Economists said the dec-line in the number of Filipinos leaving for overseas jobs and the strong peso had not yet hurt remittances. (翻译:经济学家表示,前往海外工作的菲律宾人数下降以及比索走强,还没有影响到汇款。)

7. A man rides his motorcycle with the Sheik Zayed highway towers in the background in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Dec. 10, 2006. (翻译:去年xx月十四伯联合大公国杜拜境内,一名男子衬著谢赫萨耶得高速道路旁的高楼大厦骑著自己的摩托车。)

8. When scientists examined the pair's DNA, they found a mutation in a gene called DEC2, which governs cell production and circadian rhythm. (翻译:科学家们通过检测这对DNA发现一个叫作DEC2发生了突变,而这个基因正是控制细胞和生理周期的。)

9. A Citybus spokeswoman said on Dec. 11 that it would not discriminate against any party and that it was a commercial decision. (翻译:而香港都市巴士公司的发言人在xx月xx日宣称这并不是对任何团体的歧视只是一个商业决定罢了。)

10. Dec: No not found anything I am allergic to yet, except pollen in the summer can be very unpleasant for a while. (翻译:还没发现我有对什么过敏,只是对夏天的花粉会有些不适。)

11. Check out a small sampling of what will be on display at Ara Pacis until Dec. 4 of this year. (翻译:下面是即将于今年xx月xx日在帕西斯博物馆展出的展品中的一小部分样品,让我们先睹为快吧。)

12. The blonde you picked up on Dec. 8 at 11:45 p.m. is here. (翻译:你在xx月8号11: 45接的 女士,在这里)

13. The most popular lines were the DEC PDP-11 models and the DEC VAX, both of which are available in various models today. (翻译:最流行的系列是DEC公司的PDP-11机和DEC的VAX机,二者在今天的各种机型中仍然有效。)

14. And point out, with the developing of the technology of the DEC, it will exploit the particular advantages in more and more fields. (翻译:同时指出,随着DLC技术上的成熟,其必将在更多领域发挥越来越大的作用。)

15. On Dec. 21, 1638, the full moon was in total eclipse from 1:12 to 2:47 UT. (翻译:在xx年xx月xx日这一天,满月月全食从格林尼治标准时间1点12分开始到2点47分终止。)


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