
sufficiency是什么意思 sufficiency的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-29 12:34:30作者:鸽屿

1. 词的意思:sufficiency是一个名词,表示足够,充足,满足,适量等意思。

sufficiency是什么意思 sufficiency的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性:sufficiency是一个名词,无法作为动词或形容词使用。

3. 常用场景:sufficiency常用于描述某个事物是否够用或满足需求,例如:food sufficiency(食品充足)、energy sufficiency(能源充足)、sufficiency of time(时间足够)。此外,在商业或经济领域,sufficiency也用于评估某个市场或公司的竞争力和盈利水平等。

4. 词组搭配:常用词组搭配有:economic sufficiency(经济充足)、self-sufficiency(自给自足)、water sufficiency(水源充足)、skill sufficiency(技能水平足够)等。另外,与sufficiency相关的词组还包括sufficient amount of(足够的量)、sufficient evidence(足够的证据)、sufficient number of(足够的数量)等。

5. 相关短语:sufficiency的相关短语有:insufficiency(不足,不够)、sufficiently(充分地,足够地)、over-sufficiency(过多,过剩)等。

6. 发音拼写:sufficiency的发音为/s'fnsi/,重音在第二个音节上。拼写时需要注意双f和i的拼写。



1. He has achieved a level of financial sufficiency that allows him to retire early.(他已经获得了足够的财务自给自足,可以早早退休了。)

2. The sufficiency of evidence presented in court led to a conviction.(法庭上提供的证据充分,导致了定罪。)

3. The company has made significant progress towards achieving energy sufficiency.(该公司在实现能源自给自足方面取得了显著进展。)




例句:The Supreme Leader believes it is a hallmark of prosperity and self-sufficiency. (最高领袖 相信这是一个标志 繁荣和自给自足。)


例句:For years we were told that self-sufficiency was an outmoded concept, and that it was safe to rely on world markets for food supplies. (很多年来,我们被告知自给自足是一种过时的观念;依靠国际市场提供食物是安全的。)


例句:Now, for people like Isaac and Abdi, Alima and Muslima, all that is gone, and with it independence and self-sufficiency. (现在,对于像艾萨克、阿卜迪、阿里玛和穆斯里玛这些人,一切都已过去,随之而去的还有和自足。)


例句:By and large, nomadism implies a high degree of self-sufficiency and inhibits the appearance of an extensive division of labor. (翻译:总的来说,游牧意味着高度的自给自足,并抑制了广泛劳动分工的出现。)


sufficiency一般作为名词使用,如在financial sufficiency(财政充裕)、joint sufficiency(联合充分性)、linear sufficiency(线性充分性)等常见短语中出现较多。

financial sufficiency财政充裕
joint sufficiency联合充分性
linear sufficiency线性充分性
partial sufficiency部分充分性
proof of sufficiency[数] 充分性证明
quasi sufficiencyn. 拟充分性
self sufficiency自给自足
sufficiency condition充分性条件
sufficiency of illumination[建] 照明充足


1. Now, for people like Isaac and Abdi, Alima and Muslima, all that is gone, and with it independence and self-sufficiency. (翻译:现在,对于像艾萨克、阿卜迪、阿里玛和穆斯里玛这些人,一切都已过去,随之而去的还有和自足。)

2. By and large, nomadism implies a high degree of self-sufficiency and inhibits the appearance of an extensive division of labor. (翻译:总的来说,游牧意味着高度的自给自足,并抑制了广泛劳动分工的出现。)

3. This is the opposite of what we were built on: independence, self-sufficiency, autonomy. (翻译:这与我们所建立的价值观刚好背道而驰: 、自给自足 自治)

4. Appraises the sufficiency and validity of the risk management. (翻译:评价风险管理的充分性和有效性。)

5. An elegant sufficiency, aunt Sally. (翻译:多么优雅的莎莉阿姨 An elegant sufficiency, aunt sally.)

6. This is the opposite of what we were built on: independence, self-sufficiency, autonomy. (翻译:这与我们所建立的价值观刚好背道而驰: 、自给自足 自治 )

7. Self-sufficiency can be one of the best parts of travel, Theroux says. (翻译:泰鲁说,自给自足是旅行最美妙的地方之一。)

8. Most difficult is the word "juche" which is the North Korean state ideology, often translated as self-sufficiency. (翻译:最难的词是“主体”,这是的国家意识形态,经常被翻译成自给自足。)

9. Detailed proforma report of self-provided capital sufficiency for the merger one month prior to the merger; (翻译:七合并前一个月月底拟制性合并自有资本适足明细申报表。)

10. In a nation convulsed by famine in just the last century, grain self-sufficiency is seen as crucial to national security. (翻译:在这个上世纪还曾遭遇饥荒的国家,粮食自给自足被视为事关的重大问题。)

11. There's a sufficiency of drama in these lives to sustain your interest. (翻译:这些人的生活充满戏剧性,使人不断产生兴趣。)

12. The government this month imposed a temporary ban on building on farmland , as it revives its attempt to achieve self-sufficiency in rice. (翻译:于本月强制实施了一个临时法令,禁止征用农田进行建筑,以再次努力实现大米的自给自足。)

13. Geometry quality for these mappings can be obtained from these inqualities, and some sufficiency conditions for starlike mappings and spirallike mappings are given. (翻译:由此导出全纯映照本身的一些几何性质,并得到星形映照和螺形映照的充分判别条件。)

14. Now, your expectations for your son may change over time, they might include marriage, children, self-sufficiency. (翻译:从现在开始 你对他的期望将会逐渐改变 Now, your expectations for your son may change over time, 他们可能会结婚 生小孩 自给自足 they might include marriage, children, self -sufficiency.)

15. King Bhumibol Adulyadej, now in his fumbling twilight, admires what he calls Thailand's "sufficiency economy" . (翻译:类似地,年迈体弱的泰王普密蓬阿杜德秉持他称作“充足经济”的理念。)




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