
honest是什么意思 honest的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-29 11:24:30作者:烟熏妆

honest是什么意思 honest的中文翻译、读音、例句




1. He is an honest man who always tells the truth. (他是一个诚实的人,总是说真话。)

2. It's important to be honest with yourself and others. (对自己和他人诚实很重要。)

3. The company values honesty and integrity in all its employees. (公司重视员工的诚实和正直。)

4. She gave an honest opinion about the project, even though it wasn't what the boss wanted to hear. (她发表了对这个项目的真实看法,尽管这不是老板想听到的。)

5. I can always count on him to be honest and upfront with me. (我总是能信任他对我诚实直率。)




例句:But in fact I found that everyone may lose it including your Mr. Honest (原来我发现这个世上谁都没有定力 包括跑不出你掌心的老实人)


例句:In the boat your Honest Man's moving around a lot too and you could bear him (那你的那个老实人 在船上也瞎折腾 你怎么不说呢?)


例句:It must be a bookkeeping error. Honest Jack Applebaum wouldn't do that to me. (一定是记帐那里有错 杰克苹果园不会那样对我的)


例句:What? Shall Honest John Lilburne die? (翻译:什么? 要处死约翰利尔本? )


honest一般作为副词、形容词、动词使用,如在to be honest(老实说,说实在的)、good and honest(善良)、Honest Abe([网络] 诚实的亚伯;诚实的艾贝;诚实正直的亚伯)等常见短语中出现较多。

to be honest老实说,说实在的
good and honest善良
Honest Abe[网络] 诚实的亚伯;诚实的艾贝;诚实正直的亚伯
honest and trustworthy忠诚老实
honest and upright清廉
honest broker可靠的代理人, 诚实的中间人
honest brokersn. 可靠的代理人,诚实的中间人( honest broker的名词复数 )
honest dealing买卖公平
honest drops[医] 自流血滴


1. It must be a bookkeeping error. Honest Jack Applebaum wouldn't do that to me. (翻译:一定是记帐那里有错 杰克苹果园不会那样对我的)

2. What? Shall Honest John Lilburne die? (翻译:什么? 要处死约翰利尔本? )

3. Honest Marcus working side by side every day with your father. (翻译:诚实的Marcus每天都和他的父亲 一起肩并肩地工作着)

4. Honest about placing public opinion above self-preservation. (翻译:承认自己有时会将外部 看得比自我评价重要。)

5. Honest-to-goodness monster hunt. (翻译:一次真正的怪物猎杀 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}An honest -to -goodness monster hunt.)

6. Honest is the one of the most precious moralities. (翻译:美貌诚实是最珍贵的美德之一。)

7. No. Honest to God, lieu. I was in fear for my life. (翻译:不是 向上帝保证 罗 我提心吊胆还不够呢)

8. You know, the Secret Service doesn't check on the president's transponder signal very often, Jack. Honest. (翻译:特勤局并不经常检查 总统的应答器信号 Jack)

9. Potter looked at his enemy. "I ain't got a gun on me, Scratchy, " he said, "Honest, I ain't. " He was stiffening and steadying. (翻译:波特看着对手,斯克莱奇,”他说,“真的。”他开始镇定和强硬起来。)

10. Honest, Mary, I'm so scared I can't sit still. (翻译:说实话,玛利,我很担心, 我仍然坐立不安)

11. On February 12, Hodgenville carries out a small ceremony in remembrance of Honest Abe. (翻译:在xx月xx日这天,霍金维尔会执行一个小的仪式来纪念诚实的亚伯。)

12. - Now, Bobby, wait a minute. - Honest, Mom. I saw him. (翻译:―现在,博比,等下 ―真的,妈妈,我看到他了)

13. Honest communication is what every good relationship is based on, at least,that's what I hear. (翻译:坦诚相待是每一段美好关系的基础 至少我也是这样听说的)

14. Honest accounting is hardly North Korea's strongpoint. (翻译:对强硬的来说,老老实实的说明几乎是不可能的。)

15. Wait, wait. They were just kidding. Honest.! (翻译:等等 等等 它们是和你们开玩笑的 是真的)


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