
tubi是什么意思 tubi的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-29 08:02:50作者:燕归空

tubi是什么意思 tubi的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:tubi是一种方言词汇,意为“头部”。

2. 词性:tubi是一个名词。

3. 常用场景:tubi一般用于方言之中,在口语交流中比较常见。例如:“我摔了一跤,把tubi磕疼了”。

4. 词组搭配:通常tubi不会单独使用,而是与其他词组合成词组使用,如“tubi疼”、“tubi磕伤”等。

5. 相关短语:与tubi相关的短语有“tubi疼”、“tubi磕伤”、“摔倒磕tubi”等。

6. 发音拼写:tubi的发音为/tbi/,拼写为“t-u-b-i”。

tubi的中文翻译是“管子”,读音为“t b”。


1. 这个tubi里面已经有水了。 (The tube is already filled with water.)

2. 我需要一个tubi来做实验。 (I need a tube to conduct the experiment.)




例句:And I found him lying facedown in the tub. (看见他面朝下倒在浴缸中 {\fn微软雅黑\b0\fs14\3cH000000\shad1}and I found him lying facedown in the tub. 我僵住了 {\fn微软雅黑\b0\fs14\3cH000000\shad1}I froze.)


例句:They found her lying in the tub. (他们发现她躺在浴缸里。)


例句:The water was still in the tub. (The water was still in the tub.)


例句:She lay back in the tub. (翻译:她仰靠在浴缸里。)


1. The water was still in the tub. (翻译:The water was still in the tub.)

2. She lay back in the tub. (翻译:她仰靠在浴缸里。)

3. This is the first time I was ever in a tub with no corners. (翻译:这是我第一次躺在一个没有角的浴缸里 This is the first time I was ever in a tub with no corners.)

4. Well, my friend. Are we ready to raise this creaking tub? (翻译:哦,朋友, 我们是不是可以让这破船起飞了?)

5. This children's bathroom covers a vintage clawfoot tub. (翻译:这个儿童浴室有古老的弓形足浴盆。)

6. If you muck up another pair tonight, I don't want 'em in the tub. (翻译:你今晚要是再把裤子搞脏的话 我不想再看到它们在浴盆里)

7. They must have left the tub on. (翻译:They must have left the tub on.)

8. He snapped her neck and drowned their son in the tub. (翻译:他拧断了她的脖子 把他们的儿子溺死在浴缸里)

9. You know, maybe it's their tub that's overflowed or something, I don't know. (翻译:- 楼上 也许是他们的浴盆满了什么的, 我也不知道)

10. Here you sit in a tub of infinite bubbles. (翻译:你坐在无极限的气泡里边 Here you sit in a tub of infinite bubbles.)

11. The maids, the closet, the dentist, the sushi, the tub. (翻译:女仆 衣柜 牙医 寿司 还有那浴缸 荣华富贵)

12. Then, he immerses the jeans in the tub, laying them flat. (翻译:然后,他把裤子浸入浴缸,平展铺开。)

13. Just a feeling I had when she said she left the tub running. (翻译:Just a feeling I had 不知道,只是一种感觉 when she said she left the tub running. 她说过要让浴缸运作正常。)

14. Especially now when I'm in the tub... naked and wet... and naked. (翻译:特别是现在我在浴缸里面... 光着身子,湿漉漉的... 光着...)

15. He was tub inside gorging cake, No mistake gorging chewing!" (翻译:他在浴缸里吃蛋糕, 没错误虎咽狼吞!” )


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