
offine是什么意思 offine的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-23 14:26:36作者:青槿

offine是什么意思 offine的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 定义:'offline'是指离线或脱机的状态,表示与互联网或网络连接断开,不能进行在线操作。

2. 用法:'offline'通常作为形容词或者副词使用,表示不在线或脱机状态。该词语在电脑、手机等技术领域非常常见,也经常出现在网络游戏、社交媒体以及其他互联网服务中。

3. 常见场景:'offline'常被用在以下场景:





1. I can't check my email right now, I am offline.(我现在无法查看我的电子邮件,因为我离线了。)

2. Please make sure you have saved your work before going offline.(请确保在断网前保存好你的工作。)

3. The game can be played offline, but you need to download it first.(该游戏可以离线玩,但你需要先下载它。)

4. The website is currently offline for maintenance.(该网站现在处于离线状态,正在维护中。)

5. I prefer to watch movies offline, I don't like buffering.(我喜欢离线观看电影,我不喜欢卡顿。)


读音:/flan/ (音频)


1. This game is available both online and offline.(这个游戏可以在线和离线都玩。)

2. My phone lost its signal and went offline.(我的手机失去了信号,变成了离线状态。)

3. Please make sure to save your work before going offline.(在离线之前记得保存你的工作。)




例句:In the interest of preserving our friendship... (Fine. In the interest of preserving our friendship...)


例句:Everything seems just fine. (Everything seems just fine.)


1. Fine. Absolutely. Your guy... (翻译:好 没问题 你的人 Fine, absolutely.)

2. Absolutely. Fine, take Wil. (翻译:好的 带上Wil Fine, take Wil.)

3. Am I gonna be a fine wolf? (翻译:Am I gonna be a fine wolf?)

4. Well, we were just congratulating these fine young soldiers here on their first day of duty. (翻译:we were just congratulating these fine young soldiers here)

5. And when I do, we are gonna be fine. (翻译:I promise you. we are gonna be fine.)

6. But she is as much a girl as I am, and for the record, can make any girl as happy as she'd ever wanna be, in more ways than one. What's that supposed to mean? (翻译:好 Fine. in more ways than one.)

7. Sir, the situation is fine (翻译:the situation is fine)

8. Yeah. Yeah, the Lamia grilled up fine. (翻译:the Lamia grilled up fine.)

9. Why bother, you look fine as you are. (翻译:you look fine as you are.)

10. All the forest is in the small wheel. (翻译:Ah... Good evening, fine sir.)

11. All three trucks made it up there fine. (翻译:All three trucks made it up there fine.)

12. Nothing, is everything going fine? (翻译:is everything going fine?)

13. You were fine as long as everything else was fine. (翻译:你曾经很好 其他一切都很好 You were fine as long as everything else was fine.)

14. Where would you like me to start? (翻译:Fine. Where would you like me to start?)

15. Make him a governor of the BBC. (翻译:Fine. Make him a governor of the BBC.)


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