
承蒙用英语怎么说 承蒙的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-07-23 13:18:36作者:↗爲誰心殇↖

承蒙英语是" at the gracious invitation of",还可以翻译为 bear,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到50个与承蒙相关短语翻译和用法。

承蒙用英语怎么说 承蒙的英语翻译

2. at the gracious invitation of

承蒙翻译为 at the gracious invitation of。

I felt flattered at being asked to give a lecte.

承蒙翻译为be indeed to . for a kindness。

It was only by the grace of God that no one died.

meet with yo gracious consent ( 承蒙不弃 )

it was gracious of you to come ( 承蒙光临 )

Thank O Customers Love ( 承蒙广大客户厚爱 )

Cotesy of praise Thanks to praise ( 承蒙夸奖 )

2. Thank you for having me under yo care for so long.

3. "By the grace of the defenders of the faith,

4. This is very gracious of you, Governor. Not at all, old sport.

5. The noble tbune is most gracious.

6. You have taken good care of me

7. A guilty please. Those early films.

8. Thanks, Mike. i'll pbably quote you on that.

9. They're cotesy of the hotel. Really?

10. Thanks to you guys, i got to open my own restaant.

11. My dghter is in yo squad...


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