
advantage是什么意思 advantage的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-23 08:48:36作者:只恨缘浅〞

1. 词义:advantage(n.)表示有利条件、优势或好处,通常用于比较和竞争的场合。

advantage是什么意思 advantage的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性:advantage 是一个名词。

3. 词组搭配:常见的搭配有:have/take/gain an advantage(占有/取得/获得优势)、to one's advantage(对某人有利)、competitive advantage(竞争优势)、advantageous position(有利位置)、advantage point(有利点)等。

4. 短语:除了上述搭配外,常见的短语有:an unfair advantage(不公平的优势)、to use one's advantage(利用某人的弱点)、to the advantage of(对......有利)、to turn to one's advantage(利用......为己所用)等。

5. 发音拼写:advantage 发音为 /dvntd/,拼写为 advantage。


1. She used her intelligence to her advantage and won the game.(她利用自己的智慧获得胜利。)

2. The team has a clear advantage over their opponents.(这个队比对手明显更有优势。)

3. Studying abroad can give you an advantage in your career.(出国留学可以在你的职业生涯中帮你获得优势。)

4. It's important to remember that what may be an advantage for one person, may not be an advantage for another.(要记住,对一个人有利的东西,对另一个人未必有利。)

5. The new technology has given the company a significant advantage in the market.(新技术使公司在市场上获得了重要的优势。)





1. His height gives him an advantage in basketball.


2. Having a good education is a great advantage in finding a job.





例句:But according to the principles of evolution, groups that have a relative advantage tend to grow until that advantage disappears. (但根据进化法则 有相关优势的组群 会发展至优势消失 )


例句:To sleep with me, gain trust, and take advantage? (和我 获取信任 然后加以利用? To sleep with me, gain trust, and take advantage?)


例句:I struck first so we would have the advantage. (我先动手 好让我们先发制敌 I struck first so we would have the advantage.)


例句:We take back the advantage. (翻译:这下我们又夺回优势 We take back the advantage.)


advantage一般作为名词、动词使用,如在to ... advantage(na. (因比较或衬托而)更加\n[网络] 有利的;使优点更加突出地;有利的,使优点更加突出地)、to advantage((使优点)突出, 有利, 效果好, 更加)、with advantage(有利地,有效地)等常见短语中出现较多。

to ... advantagena. (因比较或衬托而)更加\n[网络] 有利的;使优点更加突出地;有利的,使优点更加突出地
to advantage(使优点)突出, 有利, 效果好, 更加
with advantage有利地,有效地
differential advantage差别优势
economic advantage经济优势
equal advantage同等利益
exploit an advantage钻空子
Fellgett advantage费尔盖特增益
fighting advantage有利战机


1. I struck first so we would have the advantage. (翻译:我先动手 好让我们先发制敌 I struck first so we would have the advantage.)

2. We take back the advantage. (翻译:这下我们又夺回优势 We take back the advantage.)

3. We can't let people take advantage of us as an advantage vehicle (翻译:你明白吗? 我们不可被人利用作宣传工具的)

4. And with Antipas waiting to take advantage... (翻译:更何况有安提帕在伺机觊利... And with Antipas waiting to take advantage...)

5. We then have advantage over others. (翻译:多一个人知就多一个敌人 We then have advantage over others,)

6. She was trying to take advantage of me, and, uh... (翻译:她想要对我做坏事,还有,我只想跟 She was trying to take advantage of me, and, uh...)

7. Keeping you at a disadvantage, is a advantage I intend to keep. (翻译:让你一直处于不利 我才能保持有利姿态啊 Keeping you at a disadvantage, is a advantage I intend to keep.)

8. Another big advantage because other people can see by these little stigmas that he was integrated in a prison centipede. (翻译:还有一个重大利好 Another big advantage 别人可以看到他的 because other people can see 这些疤痕 by these little stigmas)

9. Some here among you may suppose I seek personal advantage. (翻译:你们有些人可能觉得我在谋求私利 Some here among you may suppose I seek personal advantage.)

10. There's an advantage of volume, and there's an advantage of time. (翻译:一个是信息量的优势,一个是时间的优势。)

11. We use the crowd to our advantage, (翻译:我们可以隐藏在人群中 We use the crowd to our advantage,)

12. The greater size of the female sparrowhawk is now an advantage. (翻译:The greater size of the female sparrowhawk is now an advantage.)

13. It would be morally wrong advantage of this. (翻译:{\1cH00FF00}它不是用道德来 衡量钱的。咦?)

14. By taking advantage of their weaknesses. (翻译:通过利用他们的弱点 {\1cHF0F0F0}{\3cH202020}By taking advantage of their weaknesses.)

15. Maybe we can use this to our advantage. (翻译:也许可以用地堡做点什么 Maybe we can use this to our advantage.)


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