
磁星用英语怎么说 磁星的英语翻译

更新时间:2023-07-21 07:44:38作者:南笙

磁星英语翻译是"helical wound stellerator",其次还可以说成"maetars",在《英汉新词词典》中,共找到28个与磁星相关短语翻译和用法。

1. And what about the maetic wheel?

2. When stars 30 times bigger than o Sun explode, they pduce a type of neutn star called a maetar.

磁星用英语怎么说 磁星的英语翻译

译文:当比太阳大30倍恒星时 会产生一种中子星, 叫磁星。

3. Lac-9352, Ross 128, Pcyon A...

4. You may remember that we were talking about a super-massive star that became a very stng maetic field maetar.

译文:你们也许记得我们 讲过一颗超重恒星 成为了一颗拥有超强磁场磁星。

5. And just for yo information, the maetic field of a maetar is 1,000 tllion times the maetic field of Earth.

译文:给大家一个概念, 磁星磁场是地球磁场 1,000万亿倍。

6. Gamma ray bsts Are concentrated Than maetar flares.

7. Maetars are n weirder than pul and generate powerful maetic fields.

8. Data is read fm the unpatterned maetic film using maetic tunneling junctions (MTJs).

9. We've still got... maetic tapes.

10. Center Canadien de Fusion Maetique, Canada;

11. Like they do in maetar flares, They know

12. He's wored about the maetosphere


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