
server error是什么意思 server error的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-16 21:29:42作者:初心未变

server error是什么意思 server error的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:'server error' 指的是服务器发生错误,无常处理请求或提供服务。

词性:'server error' 是一个短语,由名词 'server' 和名词 'error' 组成。

词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有 'internal server error'(内部服务器错误)、'500 server error'(500 服务器错误)等。


发音拼写:/'svr rr/


1. The website is currently unavailable due to a server error.


2. I keep getting a server error message when I try to log in to my email account.


3. The customer service department is aware of the server error and is working to resolve the issue.


4. The website crashed several times due to a recurring server error.


5. If you encounter a server error, please try again later or contact our support team for istance.


6. The company apologized for the inconvenience caused by the server error and promised to take measures to prevent it from happening again.


7. After investigating the server error, the IT department discovered a software bug that caused the issue.



读音:srvr rr


1. 用户试图登录系统时,发生了服务器错误。

Translation: When the user tried to log into the system, a server error occurred.

2. 应用程序无法访问数据库,因为出现了服务器错误。

Translation: The application was unable to access the database due to a server error.

server error通常被翻译为"服务器错误"的意思,还有服务器错误的意思,在线发音:[servererror],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《在线英语词典》中,共找到86个与server error相关的句子。

Server error的词典翻译


例句:I could control The backup if the server cable was functioning, (要是服务器电缆现在还能用 I could control the backup if the server cable was functioning,)


server error一般作为名词使用,如在discussion server(讨论伺服器)、disk server(磁盘服务程序)、entertainment server([网络] 伺服器)等常见短语中出现较多。

discussion server讨论伺服器
disk server磁盘服务程序
entertainment server[网络] 伺服器
event server事件伺服器
forum server论坛伺服器
history server历史伺服器
lip serverlip service的变形
management server管理伺服器
name server名服务程序
nt serverWindows NT伺服器


1. Run CDR delete server group_2. (翻译:运行cdr delete server group_2。)

2. The resource samp-postfix-server represents the mail server. (翻译:资源samp - postfix - server代表邮件服务器。)

3. Check for an "INFO: server startup in XXXX ms" message on the server console. (翻译:核查这个服务器控制台上的“INFO: Server startup inxms”消息。)

4. I need you to log on to the server. (翻译:我需要你登陆服务器 I need you to log on to the server.)

5. In some sense, an application server is a superset of a Web server. (翻译:在某种意义上,应用程序服务器是Web服务器的超集。)

6. Dfs was unable to open a connection to server %2. The error returned is in the record data. (翻译:Dfs无法打开一个接到服务器%2上的连接。返回的错误在记录数据中。)

7. We found the server hub in zone 1. (翻译:We found the server hub in Zone 1.)

8. Error hiding - Disguising error messages sent by the server. (翻译:错误隐藏——伪装成服务器发出的错误消息。)

9. The resource samp-postfix-server represents the mail server. (翻译:资源samp-postfix-server代表邮件服务器。)

10. Enter keytool -list -keystore c: \ Argo \ security \ server.keystore -v from the command line. (翻译:从命令行输入keytool - list - keystore c: \ argo \ security \ server . keystore—v。)

11. ErrorCode - a value of -1 indicates that the stored procedure was aborted due to some error. (翻译:error Code——值为- 1指示存储过程因发生某种错误而终止。)

12. I realized after much trial and error that in a courtroom (翻译:I realised after much trial and error, 我终于意识到, 在法庭上)

13. The lmap: server predicate allows you to specify the location of the LDAP store. (翻译:server谓词用于指定LDAP存储的位置。)

14. server installation directory>/conf/rdm/fronting.propreties. (翻译:server installation directory>/conf/rdm/fronting.propreties。)

15. ErrorCode — a value of -1 indicates that the stored procedure was aborted due to some error. (翻译:error Code——值为- 1指示存储过程因发生某种错误而中止。)


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