
feeder是什么意思 feeder的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-16 15:38:43作者:小咭


feeder是什么意思 feeder的中文翻译、读音、例句



1. bird feeder:鸟类喂食器

2. feeder road:支路,进路

3. feeder c:分流渠

4. automatic feeder:自动喂食器

5. train feeder:小火车,接驳车



1. The bird feeder is empty, fill it up please.(鸟类喂食器空了,请给它加满食物。)

2. The farmer is a good feeder, and his animals are healthy.(这位农民是个善于饲养的人,他的动物很健康。)

3. We use a feeder road to reach the village.(我们通过支路到达了这个村庄。)

4. The factory installed a new feeder system to improve production efficiency.(这个工厂安装了新的进料系统,以提高生产效率。)

5. The train feeder is waiting for us to take us to the main station.(小火车在等待我们,以便接送我们到主要车站。)


1. A bird feeder is a great way to attract birds to your garden.(鸟类喂食器是吸引鸟类来到你的花园的好方法。)

2. The feeder road connects the highway to the main road.(进路连接高速公路和主干道。)

3. The power plant has a feeder system that supplies coal to the boilers.(电厂有一个供料系统,向锅炉提供煤炭。)




例句:How could you let that bottom feeder scoop you like this? (你怎么能让那龌龊的家伙抢先? -龌龊的家伙?)


例句:And they just want a bird feeder so they can attract a bird... (他们只是想要一个喂鸟器 这样他们就可以吸引鸟...)


例句:We started with giant forest pigs, 6 teats, 38 chromosomes, a resourceful feeder, and an opportunistic omnivore. (最开始是巨林猪 6个 38对染色体 什么都吃)


例句:METHODS: PGC from genital ridge and mesenterium of human embryo was incubated on fibroblast feeder layers for subculture. (翻译:方法:从人胚胎嵴、肠系膜中消化分离的原始细胞,将其接种在人内膜成纤维细胞饲养层上传代培养。)


feeder一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在direct feeder(直接馈路)、drum feeder([化] 转鼓加料机)、dry feeder(加料器)等常见短语中出现较多。

direct feeder直接馈路
drum feeder[化] 转鼓加料机
dry feeder加料器
eccentric feeder偏心轮喂送器,偏心轮式送料器
economical feeder易肥马
disc feeder圆盘进料器
dish feeder盘式加料机
disk feeder[化] 圆盘给料机; 圆盘加料器
distribution feeder[电] 配电馈线
drip feeder滴给器


1. We started with giant forest pigs, 6 teats, 38 chromosomes, a resourceful feeder, and an opportunistic omnivore. (翻译:最开始是巨林猪 6个 38对染色体 什么都吃)

2. METHODS: PGC from genital ridge and mesenterium of human embryo was incubated on fibroblast feeder layers for subculture. (翻译:方法:从人胚胎嵴、肠系膜中消化分离的原始细胞,将其接种在人内膜成纤维细胞饲养层上传代培养。)

3. we serve the Eastern Mediterranean via Gioia Tauro with a network of feeder connections. (翻译:在地中海以东一带,我们亦经由焦亚陶罗,提供支线船的网络服务。)

4. The addition of feeder cells might be used for rescuing the dying adherent cells. (翻译:添加饲养细胞的方法可用于挽救濒于死亡的细胞。)

5. All day long he flies back and forth from his branch to the feeder. (翻译:这一整天,他在喂料器和枝桠之间来来。)

6. US cash early weans averaged $51.28 last week and 40 lb feeder pigs $69.51. (翻译:美国现金早断奶猪上周均价51.28美元,40磅的生长猪价格是69.51美元。)

7. I used to be a bottom-feeder like you, Stanley. (翻译:斯坦利 我以前像你一样生活在底层 I used to be a bottom -feeder like you, Stanley.)

8. It is a fast-in/fast-out feeder, relying on a high output of incompletely digested food. (翻译:它是一种新陈代谢很快的进食者,这一结论依赖于它们大量的物都是那些没有未完全消化的食物。)

9. In vitra culture of rabbit corneal epithelium and endothelium supporting by human fetal lung fibroblast feeder cells (翻译:人胚肺成纤维细胞饲养兔角膜上皮和内皮细胞的体外培养)

10. Is a bad feeder lot operation for beef better or worse than a bad grazing operation for beef? (翻译:一个糟糕的饲养牛场的操作 相比一个糟糕的放牧养牛操作 是更好还是更差?)

11. He would send away for the wood... and he taught me comebacks and feeder calls and hails. (翻译:哨音在树林里传很远 教我识别迁徙 教我喂食口哨)

12. But to everyone else, total bottom feeder. (翻译:{\fnVrinda\fs20\shad1\3cH800000\be1}但对其他人来说 是绝对的最低端供给者)

13. It's kind of like a starfish but it likes to use these sea whips as a base because it's a filter feeder. (翻译:要是能看到一只的话 我就会感到惊讶的 你的强光手电筒真厉害)

14. There were multiple feeder funds set up, not only in the U.S., all around the world. (翻译:有多个 联接基金成立, 不仅在美国, 所有周围的世界。)

15. idlers, friction resistances outside feeder stations and resistances of the equipment used for feeding the bulk materials. (翻译:闲人,外接驳站和设备的阻力摩擦喂养的散装材料的电阻。)




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