
helps是什么意思 helps的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-07-14 08:50:45作者:佳素花痴


1. 词性:helps 是动词的第三人称单数形式,意为“帮助”,但是它也可以作为名词出现,表示“帮助”或“支持”。

helps是什么意思 helps的中文翻译、读音、例句


- She helps her mother with the housework.

- The company provides financial helps to their employees.

2. 场合:helps 在日常会话中使用频率较高,特别是当有人需要帮助时。它也可以用于正式的文书、书信和演讲中。


- Could you please help me open this jar?

- The team's dedication and hard work helps achieve the organization's mission.

3. 同义词:helps 可以被替换为其他的同义词,如:ists、aids、supports、facilitates 等等。


- Jack isted his friend with his homework.

- The scholarship program aids students in their pursuit of higher education.

4. 反义词:helps 的反义词是hinders,意思是“阻碍”或“妨碍”。


- The rainy weather hindered us from going on a hike.

- The lack of resources hindered the company's growth.

5. 缩写词:H.E.L.P.S. 也可以作为助记词,其中每个字母都代表一个单词,分别是:Hook your audience, Establish credibility, Keep it simple, Practice and know your material, Show pion and enthusiasm.


- When giving a presentation, following the H.E.L.P.S. method can help you deliver an effective message.

- The new sales representative was trained using the H.E.L.P.S. model to improve her presentation skills.





1. She always helps me with my homework.


2. Regular exercise helps you stay healthy.


3. Your advice really helps me a lot.





例句:This helps alot! (这会有很大帮助。)


例句:No, but knowing he is Kree helps. (的确 但知道他的身份还是有帮助的 No, but knowing he is Kree helps.)


例句:If it helps me kill Lilith, stop the Apocalypse-? (如果那能帮我杀了莉莉丝 阻止天启降世的话 {\3cH202020}If it helps me kill Lilith and stop the apocalypse)


例句:Helps us do our jobs better, and helps us feel better when we do them. (翻译:帮我们做得更好, 当我们做事时,帮我们感觉更好。)


helps一般作为名词使用,如在helps to([网络] 锻炼帮助青少年保持健康)、domestic helps(佣人)、helps along(促进)等常见短语中出现较多。

helps to[网络] 锻炼帮助青少年保持健康
domestic helps佣人
helps along促进
helps outv. 帮助…摆脱困境;救出;协助
hired helps[网络] 受雇的帮助\n(hired help 的复数)
home helps[网络] 居家照顾员;协助员
hope this helps希望有帮助
kitchen helps[网络] 帮忙厨师;西餐厨工;厨房杂工\n(kitchen help 的复数)
every little helps[网络] 积少成多;一点一滴都有助益;每一小部分都有帮助


1. If it helps me kill Lilith, stop the Apocalypse-? (翻译:如果那能帮我杀了莉莉丝 阻止天启降世的话 {\3cH202020}If it helps me kill Lilith and stop the apocalypse)

2. Helps us do our jobs better, and helps us feel better when we do them. (翻译:帮我们做得更好, 当我们做事时,帮我们感觉更好。)

3. Sometimes it helps to be sleepy. (翻译:Sometimes it helps to be sleepy. 有时,它帮助被困。)

4. It helps me do what I have to do. (翻译:这能帮助我做我应该做的事 It helps me do what I have to do)

5. Heroin, it helps to unlock something in me. (翻译: 能帮我开发出一些灵感 Heroin, it helps to unlock something in me.)

6. Maybe that helps them believe that you can make other impossible things happen. (翻译:也许他们据此坚信 Maybe that helps them believe 你也可以实现其他不可能的事 that you can make other impossible things happen.)

7. Make sure to lift with the back, helps take pressure off the knees. (翻译:务必用背部力量抬起来 Make sure to lift with the back, 减少膝盖的压力 helps take pressure off the knees.)

8. Siri is the thing that knows your intent and helps you do it for you, helps you get things done. (翻译:Siri 会知道你的意图, 并协助你 把一切搞定。)

9. A dip here after sauna helps circulation (翻译:蒸汽浴完了都要到冷水里来泡泡 帮助血液循环,舒服极了)

10. Studying makes a difference... (翻译:You see? Studying helps.)

11. Whatever helps you sleep, Detective. (翻译:随你怎么想咯 警探 Whatever helps you sleep, Detective.)

12. Here, drink this. It helps. (翻译:{\fn华文仿宋\fs16\1cHD1D1D1}给,喝几口就会好点)

13. The invitation of bringing makers and artists and entrepreneurs -- it really helps stimulate this fiery creativity and helps a city to thrive. (翻译:它们吸引 制造商、艺术家和企业家 激起源源不断的创造力 让一个城市变得欣欣向荣 )

14. It helps if they know you. (翻译:他们认识你就会让你进 It helps if they know you.)

15. Looking back helps insofar as it helps you learn from your mistakes. (翻译:回顾往事助人进步,基于它可以帮助你从错误中学习。)




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