
心口不一用英语怎么说 心口不一英语翻译

更新时间:2023-07-14 08:16:46作者:骂醒我

心口不一在英语中翻译是"speak one way and think another",其次还可以说成" double heart",在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到53个与心口不一相关短语翻译和用法。

1. speak one way and think another

心口不一翻译为speak one way and think another。

心口不一用英语怎么说 心口不一英语翻译

And who is it that deceives the state? Sely the man who speaks not what he thinks.

2. indy, cover yo heart! Cover yo heart!

3. Por favor, sweet and salty comidas for yo comesting.

4. and if sometimes i can't seem to talk

5. Hard to say if you'd like it.

6. Humans think one thing and say the opposite, feel one way and act differently.

7. That's what i said. That's what i meant.

8. Sometimes o hearts don't match o mouths.

9. Becse it is what you want, and it's not what you said.

译文:因为你心口不一 Becse it is what you want, and it's not what you said.。

10. Yeah. i just- - i got a little chest cramp, but i'm working thugh it.

11. That's becse you feel wnged

12. And they key is hanged on her neck

13. i got a star on my car and one on my chest


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