

更新时间:2023-05-20 12:47:37作者:槐序




2022年北京冬奥会、冬残奥会是中国重要历史节点的重大标志性活动,是展现国家形象、促进国家发展、振奋民族精神的重要契机。首都图书馆作为重要的公共文化服务阵地,推出了“书香助梦 燃情冰雪”迎冬奥系列主题活动,包括奥运主题展览、演出、讲座、放映等多种形式的阅读推广活动,上线了“奥林匹克数字孪生馆”,众多文化活动绘就出一幅冰雪“文化画卷”,与冬奥盛会交相辉映。其间,还与首都体育学院联合建设“奥运书屋”,传播奥林匹克文化,弘扬奥林匹克精神。



The snow refects the clear sky, the sky is full of fragrance; the light shines in China, and spring dawns on this land.

February 4, 2022 marks the Beginning of Spring, the start of the 24 solar terms of a lunar year.The Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games kicked off at 8 p.m. with the main torch lit in the National Stadium. The Beijing Winter Olympics, which set the goal of “engaging 300 million people in ice and snow sports”, mingles Chinese traditional culture with the Olympic spirit, highlighting the infnite glory of Beijing’s role as a dual Olympic city.

The 2022 Beijing Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games were major landmark activities at important historical moments in China, and also important opportunities to showcase the national image, promote national development and inspire the national spirit. As an important public cultural service provider, the Capital Library launched a series of thematic activities to embrace the Winter Olympics, including Olympic-themed reading-promoting activities such as exhibitions, performances, lectures and movie airings, and launched the Olympic digital art hall, with many activities painting a “cultural picture” of ice and snow to resonate with the Winter Olympics. It also co-built the “Olympic Book House” with the Capital Institute of Physical Education to spread the Olympic culture and carry forward the Olympic spirit.

The Capital Library and China Daily have jointly organized the “100 Photographers Focus” project for years and, the joint photography exhibition based in Beijing reaching the whole country has become a signature program of the library, which is welcomed and loved by readers all over the country. We will continue to build on the wonderful content of 100 Photographers Focus on Winter Olympics and hold touring exhibitions in Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei and other parts of China so that more readers can enjoy the historical, moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics and the Paralympics, promoting ice and snow sports and national ftness.

Let’s go together for a shared future!


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2023-05-19 16:42