
selling exchange是什么意思 selling exchange的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2024-02-21 14:04:05作者:book

selling exchange在中文中有”经”的意思,作为名词时有”卖外汇”的意思,在线读音是[sellingexchange],selling exchange常被用作名词,在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到28个与selling exchange相关的例句。

selling exchange是什么意思 selling exchange的中文翻译、读音、例句

Selling exchange的中文翻译


例句:The main mechanisms of hyporheic exchange include pumping exchange and turnover exchange. (潜流交换机理主要包括泵吸交换和冲淤交换。)


例句:They had themselves a heated exchange. (他们激烈交锋了 They had themselves a heated exchange.)


selling exchange一般作为名词使用,如在selling on(劝使接受\n使人相信)、exchange to exchange([网络] 市集模式)、door selling(挨门挨户兜售)等常见短语中出现较多。

selling on 劝使接受\n使人相信
exchange to exchange [网络] 市集模式
door selling 挨门挨户兜售
discriminatory selling 差别待遇销货
frontier selling (以低价)试销;拓售
hard selling [网络] 硬行推销;硬性推销;卖力的推销
heavy selling 抛售
hectic selling 抛售风
hedge selling [经] 卖出保值期货


1. In exchange for testifying against Lacey. (翻译:然后指证莱西 In exchange for testifying against Lacey.)

2. Everyone is selling up nowadays. (翻译:Everyone is selling up nowadays.)

3. Witnesses selling their testimony. (翻译:证人把证词卖给媒体 Witnesses selling their testimony.)

4. That was a big selling point. (翻译:估计这个才是重点吧 That was a big selling point.)

5. – And selling all their rooms. (翻译:- And selling all their rooms. I know.)

6. There will be no exchange. (翻译:不会有交换 There will be no exchange.)

7. Did you hack the new york stock exchange? (翻译:Did you hack the New York Stock Exchange?)

8. But whatever she was selling, she only (翻译:但是无论她在卖什么 But whatever she was selling, she only)

9. On your principles of exchange… (翻译:根据我们的互换原则… On your principles of exchange…)

10. And, you can find people selling deep-fried pork in noodles easily. (翻译:you can find people selling deep -fried pork in noodles easily.)

11. Forde, human interaction is an exchange. (翻译:human interaction is an exchange.)

12. – Not really a selling point. (翻译:这根本不是卖点 Not really a selling point.)

13. Register the SCW extension for the Exchange server role. (翻译:为Exchange服务器角色注册SCW扩展。)

14. You keep selling me that swampland. (翻译:你总想拉我下水 我不干了 You keep selling me that swampland.)

15. These T-shirts keep selling. (翻译:这些T恤大卖 These T -shirts keep selling.)

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