
nonaccepters是什么意思 nonaccepters的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-14 12:57:51作者:book


nonaccepters是什么意思 nonaccepters的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:The satellite dish and Wi-Fi were on the blink. (…non funzionavano parabola e WI -Fl…)


例句:Limpidus non carborundum est. (祸事来了 Limpidus non carborundum est.)


1. Got an agitated non-compliant patient. (翻译:Got an agitated non -compliant patient.)

2. There was no such puzzlement about the 76ers in 1972. (翻译:xx年的76人却没有这样的困惑。)

3. Vegetarian, non-vegetarian… journey, um, yeah, uh… journey on which we send them with all our love and, and, and tremendous you know not obviously… (翻译:素食的 非素食的… vegetarian, non -vegetarian…)

4. No, I do not understand. Not really. (翻译:我真不懂 Non, je comprends pas, vraiment.)

5. About three years ago, I was attacked by a group of trick-or-treat-ers. (翻译:大约xx年前, 我被攻击 由一组 欺骗或治疗,ERS。)

6. Joe Montana won four Superbowls with the 49ers. (翻译:乔•蒙大拿那与49人队赢了四次超级杯。)

7. “Just accept the sentence. (翻译:接受命运吧 just accept the sentence.)

8. please accept our remorse. (翻译:please accept our remorse.)

9. If I mess up, I must accept that and not try to put the blame on oth-ers. (翻译:如果我做得不好,我必须接受,并且不把过失推卸给别人。)

10. It belongs to a defunct non-profit (翻译:It belongs to a defunct non -profit)

11. Which you will not accept. (翻译:你不会收礼物 Which you will not accept.)

12. Not the hay! What magic is this? (翻译:不要 干草不能丢 Non, pas le foin!)

13. She is beautiful, isn’t she? (翻译:很美的名字 对吧 Jolie, non?)

14. – No, ham and mushrooms. And that costs 14.50? (翻译:不是 火腿和蘑菇 Non, jambon et champignons.)

15. Ladies and Gentlemen, fath ers and moth ers have different roles. (翻译:女士们,先生们,父亲和母亲有着不同的角色。)

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