
scarlet pimpernel是什么意思 scarlet pimpernel的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-11-02 04:47:36作者:book

scarlet pimpernel通常被翻译为”海绿”的意思,还有海绿的意思,读音为[sk:lt pimpnel],scarlet pimpernel在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英语ABC实用语法词典》中,共找到48个与scarlet pimpernel相关的例句。

scarlet pimpernel是什么意思 scarlet pimpernel的中文翻译、读音、例句

Scarlet pimpernel的释义


例句:This is a very beautiful species, it’s called the Oriental Scarlet. (这是一个非常美丽的品种,它叫做东方猩红蜻蜓。)


scarlet pimpernel一般作为名词使用,如在pimpernel(紫蘩蒌 )、false pimpernel(un. 陌上菜\n[网络] 定经草)、red pimpernel([网络] 海绿;红繁缕花)等常见短语中出现较多。

pimpernel 紫蘩蒌
false pimpernel un. 陌上菜\n[网络] 定经草
red pimpernel [网络] 海绿;红繁缕花
water pimpernel 水茴草(Samolus floribundus 或 Samolus valerandi)
iodine scarlet (一种用汞的碘化物制成的)鲜红色颜料
perylene scarlet 花猩红
Rapidogen scarlet 快速精猩红
reactive scarlet 活性大红
scarlet acid [化] 猩红酸


1. The scarlet of the wings shades into pink at the tips. (翻译:猩红的翅膀到了翼端渐变成浅红。)

2. Why is not bold Scarlet and five obese children? (翻译:为什么Scarlet没有变胖 为什么没有孩子?)

3. This scarlet macaw is found in the subtropical rainforests of Central and South America. (翻译:这种绯红金刚鹦鹉常见于中美洲和南美洲的带雨林。)

4. He died of scarlet fever when he was only two. (翻译:他两岁就得猩红热死了 He died of scarlet fever when he was only two.)

5. Think of your ‘big opinion’ as the Scarlet Pimpernel. Let them seek it, here there and everywhere. (翻译:把你的观点看做海绿,让人们四处去寻找它。)

6. Use the Horn of the Frostbrood to call forth a Frostbrood Vanquisher and with it slay 200 Scarlet Soldiers and destroy 15 Scarlet Ballistas. (翻译:使用霜血号角召唤一个霜巢征服者,并与它一切杀死200名血色战士,摧毁15辆血色弩车。)

7. The plant called the scarlet gilia can have either red or white flowers. (翻译:这种被称为猩红色吉利亚的植物可以开红色或白色的花。)

8. This is a very beautiful species, it’s called the Oriental Scarlet. (翻译:这是一个非常美丽的品种,它叫做东方猩红蜻蜓。)

9. I remember seeing him as Will Scarlet. (翻译:《卫报》说的 Can you be sure of that? It said so in The Guardian.)

10. Fine feathers and scarlet cloaks would not be excuses for baseness and deception. (翻译:漂亮的帽缨,鲜红的军服也就不能成为开脱卑鄙行径和欺骗手段的工具了。)

11. Marmaduke Scarlet…chef of all chefs… (翻译:我是Marmaduke Scarlet 月亮坪的大厨)

12. From its beginning, The Scarlet Claw displayed a nightmarish atmosphere. (翻译:影片开头, 《红爪子》 营造出了一场梦魇般的气氛.)

13. And now the Wild Velvet is proud to present the luscious, the lascivious, the one, the only Scarlet. (翻译:现在我们隆重请出 娇俏 迷人勾魂 独一无二的斯嘉丽)

14. Scarlet, please . please believe me please (翻译:血色,我不敢苟同。我求求你相信 我求求)

15. So Scarlet o ‘hara becomes ohara, and the French word facade becomes facade. (翻译:所以scarlet ohara变成了ohara,法语单词facade变成了facade。)


scarlet pimpernel作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、scarlet、pimpernels等。

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