
ganciclovir是什么意思 ganciclovir的读音、翻译、用法

更新时间:2023-06-04 18:34:20作者:book

ganciclovir是什么意思 ganciclovir的读音、翻译、用法



1. Ganciclovir是一种有效的抗病毒药物,常用于治疗CMV感染。

(Ganciclovir is an effective antiviral drug commonly used for the treatment of CMV infection.)

2. 这位患者正在接受ganciclovir治疗,以减轻其疱疹病毒感染的症状。

(The patient is undergoing ganciclovir treatment to alleviate symptoms of their herpesvirus infection.)

3. 对于已经接种疫苗的患者,ganciclovir可能不必要,因为疫苗可以有效预防感染。

(For patients who have been vaccinated, ganciclovir may not be necessary as the vaccine can effectively prevent infection.)

4. 临床试验显示,ganciclovir可以显著减少CMV感染继发症的发生率。

(Clinical trials have shown that ganciclovir can significantly reduce the incidence of complications from CMV infection.)

5. 考虑到ganciclovir的药物副作用,医生需要评估治疗的利与弊。

(Given the drug side effects of ganciclovir, doctors need to evaluate the pros and cons of treatment.)

6. 对于孕妇,ganciclovir的使用需要慎重考虑,因为它可能会对胎儿造成损害。

(For pregnant women, the use of ganciclovir needs to be carefully considered as it may cause harm to the fetus.)

7. 尽管ganciclovir可以抑制病毒复制,但它不能治愈感染。

(While ganciclovir can inhibit viral replication, it cannot cure the infection.)

8. 对于免疫系统受损的患者,ganciclovir可能是治疗疱疹病毒感染的有效药物。

(For immunocompromised patients, ganciclovir may be an effective drug for treating herpesvirus infections.)

9. 由于ganciclovir需要经过静脉注射才能到达有效浓度,因此可能需要住院治疗。

(As ganciclovir needs to be administered intravenously to reach effective concentrations, hospitalization may be necessary.)

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