
mining excavation是什么意思 mining excavation的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-06-04 18:28:44作者:book

mining excavation在中文中有”矿山巷道”的意思,还有采矿挖空的意思,发音是[miningexcavation],mining excavation来源于英语,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到72个与mining excavation相关的例句。

mining excavation是什么意思 mining excavation的中文翻译、读音、例句

Mining excavation的释义


例句:There are 12% mining cities which liein decline . (目前,我国有12%的矿业城市处于衰退期。)


例句:Archaeologist, David Parham, is in the team leading the excavation of the store rooms. (带领挖掘这些店家,团队是考古学家帕汗。)


mining excavation一般作为名词使用,如在excavation(挖掘 )、mining(矿业 )、dry excavation(干开挖)等常见短语中出现较多。

excavation 挖掘
mining 矿业
dry excavation 干开挖
earth excavation 挖土
equipment for excavation 采掘设备
enlargement of excavation 扩大开挖(断面)
excavation and filling 挖填
excavation base 开挖基线
excavation costs 挖掘成本


1. Archaeologist, David Parham, is in the team leading the excavation of the store rooms. (翻译:带领挖掘这些店家,团队是考古学家帕汗。)

2. It does not form part of the same… Archaeological excavation in this country. (翻译:他不应该是乘法的一部分 aliculture在这个国家。)

3. There are 12% mining cities which liein decline . (翻译:目前,我国有12%的矿业城市处于衰退期。)

4. Select and manage the mining subcontractor, ensure that the mining work comply with lafarge standards in terms of quality and safety. (翻译:参与选择并管理采矿分包商,确保采矿作业在安全和质量方面都符合拉法基的标准。)

5. They were mining for gold. (翻译:他们在开采黄金。)

6. As Houxi Opencast Mine has smaller mining boundary and it is near villages, the safety of mining and controlled blasting are strictly required. (翻译:侯西露天矿开采境界小,距离村庄近,对剥采作业安全性、控制爆破技术有较高的要求。)

7. And… the local excavation workers have been trying to find me a wife. (翻译:然后 本地的挖掘工人 就试图给我找个老婆)

8. New Carter products, mining roadheader, with very high working efficiency, and good safety feature, obtain the aim of mining mechanization. (翻译:新产品掘进机工作效率高、全性能好,实现了采掘机械化。)

9. The Practice and Preception of Safe Monitoring in Some Deep Foundation Ditch Excavation and Construct (翻译:某大厦深基坑开挖与施工安全监测实践与体会)

10. Doctor Barakat is now in charge of the excavation. (翻译:现在起 挖掘行动由Barakat博士负责)

11. The related research issues of distrusted process mining, a subfield of process mining, are also discussed. (翻译:并介绍了过程挖掘的一个分支-分布式过程挖掘的相关研究内容。)

12. Roadheader is an import excavation equipment, but its stability is connected with its working efficiency. (翻译:掘进机在挖掘设备中具有重要作用,而掘进机作业稳定性与生产效益密切相关。)

13. Give the mining camp a wide berth. (翻译:Give the mining camp a wide berth.)

14. We now have enough liquid steel to start pumping it under the excavation. (翻译:现在我们有足够的液态钢 来把遗迹从地下弄上来)

15. 1977-1982 Technician and Assistant Engineer of Ventilation District of Jinhuagong Mine of Datong Mining bureau. (翻译:1977 – 1982大同矿务局晋华宫矿通风区技术员、助理工程师Datong Mining bureau。)

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