
Keith Haring是什么意思 Keith Haring的读音、翻译、用法

更新时间:2023-10-22 13:47:47作者:book

‘Keith Haring’是英语,可翻译为“基思哈林”,是20世纪后期美国知名的街头艺术家和社会活动家。他的绘画风格简单而具有强烈的表现力,形象生动幽默,常用明亮的颜色和流线形状,对当时的艺术界产生了深远的影响。

Keith Haring是什么意思 Keith Haring的读音、翻译、用法


1. Keith Haring’s artwork often reflects his political and social concerns.(基思哈林的艺术作品常常反映他的和社会关注。)

2. The Keith Haring Foundation aims to spread the artist’s work and message to new generations.(基思哈林基金会旨在将艺术家的作品和信息传达给新一代。)

3. Keith Haring’s colorful and playful murals can still be seen on the streets of New York City.(基思哈林的色彩丰富、富有玩味的壁画仍然可以在纽约市的街头看到。)

4. The Keith Haring exhibit at the museum attracted many visitors.(博物馆的基思哈林展览吸引了许多游客。)

5. Keith Haring’s art has been widely exhibited in galleries and museums around the world.(基思哈林的作品在全球许多画廊和博物馆中广为展示。)

6. The Keith Haring mural on the side of the building adds a vibrant touch to the neighborhood.(建筑物侧面的基思哈林壁画为社区增添了活力。)

7. Keith Haring’s art has been recognized for its unique style and powerful message.(基思哈林的艺术因其独特风格和强烈的信息而受到认可。)

8. The documentary about Keith Haring’s life and work was both informative and inspiring.(有关基思哈林生平和作品的纪录片既具信息性又具启发性。)

9. Many artists today continue to be influenced by Keith Haring’s style and message.(许多今天的艺术家仍受基思哈林的风格和信息的影响。)

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