
net thermal value是什么意思 net thermal value的中文翻译、读音、例句

更新时间:2023-10-22 09:17:48作者:book

net thermal value的意思是”化、净热值”,其次还有”低热值”的意思,读音为[netthermalvalue],net thermal value是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到18个与net thermal value相关的例句。

net thermal value是什么意思 net thermal value的中文翻译、读音、例句

Net thermal value的中文翻译


例句:They say it can sense thermal radiation. (他们说它可以感受到热辐射 就像蛇一样 They say it can sense thermal radiation.)


例句:If the type is not specified, ADO. NET infers the data provider Type of the Parameter from the Value property of the Parameter object. (如果未指定类型,ADO.NET就会从Parameter对象的Value属性推断出Parameter的数据提供程序“类型”。)


例句:The company produces many kinds of net including the fishing net, windproof net, safety net and shade net and so on. (公司生产各种无结经编网包括渔网,防鸟网,防风网,安全网以及各种遮阳网,并且可以来样定做。)


net thermal value一般作为名词使用,如在net value([经] 净值)、thermal value([化] 发热量)、net thermal efficiency(净热效率,送电热效率)等常见短语中出现较多。

net value [经] 净值
thermal value [化] 发热量
net thermal efficiency 净热效率,送电热效率
net annual value 净年值
net arrived value [经] 到货净价值
net essable value [经] 应评税净值
net et value [经] 资产净值
net ets value 净资产值
net book value [经] 帐面净值


1. The company produces many kinds of net including the fishing net, windproof net, safety net and shade net and so on. (翻译:公司生产各种无结经编网包括渔网,防鸟网,防风网,安全网以及各种遮阳网,并且可以来样定做。)

2. My website is Ryantology.net and I’m a storyteller. (翻译:我的网站是Ryantology. net, My website is Ryantology. net)

3. -A laser net over the trap door– (翻译:- – – A laser net over the trap door)

4. We value your contributions. (翻译:我们看重你的贡献 We value your contributions. 我们只是想问…)

5. The mechanism of the thermal degrada… (翻译:对树脂的热裂解机理进行了讨论。)

6. Chewie, check that thermal capitator. (翻译:丘伊 检查一下热分摊情况 来吧 走了 Chewie, check that thermal capitator.)

7. Are you qualified to value me? (翻译:那你够资格来给我估价? Are you qualified to value me?)

8. Bring a raincoat and a mosquito net. (翻译:Bring a raincoat and a mosquito net.)

9. You understand the value of that. (翻译:你们能理解这里的价值吧 You understand the value of that.)

10. Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the. NET Framework type maps to an XML element or attribute of any type. (翻译:获取或设置一个值,该值指示.NETFramework类型是否可以映射到任何类型的XML元素或属性。)

11. It hid from thermal technology. (翻译:热感应设备也监测不到它 It hid from thermal technology.)

12. High-level design of an ADO.NET sharding library. (翻译:NET sharding library的高层次设计。)

13. Compared with America, China has a lower net realizable value in exportation and is located in the low end of the value chain. (翻译:与美国相比,中国在出口中所获得的净收益低,中国处于价值链的低端;)

14. Actually, I value privacy. (翻译:实际上 我很重视隐私 Actually, I value privacy.)

15. Take these figures, discount it to the net present value. (翻译:这几张图 在现有价值中减掉 Take these figures, discount it to the net present value.)

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